Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Survey USA: Murray 37%, Rossi 33%, Didier 5%, Akers 3%

A new KING 5/Survey USA poll has Patty Murray and Dino Rossi far ahead in the August 17 primary for the U.S. Senate race in Washington state:
Murray (D) 37%
Rossi (R) 33%
Didier (R) 5%
Akers (R) 3%
Undecided 19%
The poll's margin of error is 4.4%, which means Murray and Rossi are statistically in a dead heat.  These results are almost identical to an Elway poll released last week, which was the first poll conducted specifically of the August "top two" primary for which ballots will start being mailed out in a about a month.  38 of 39 Washington counties are all vote by mail.  The top two vote-getters, regardless of party, will go on to the November general election.

The poll also verified the "enthusiasm gap" between Washington Republicans and Demoocrats:
Meanwhile, a good sign for Republicans is voter frustration with the status quo. The poll asked voters how enthusiastic they are about voting this year compared to last year. Among Republicans in our state, 49 percent are more enthusiastic this year. By comparison, the majority of Democrats, nearly 60 percent, say they are no more or less enthusiastic than usual.
Who could be inspired by voting for Patty Murray's 19-24th years in the U.S. Senate?  What have the first 18 accomplished?

Triangulating Dino Rossi

Publicola editor Josh Feit has predicted:
Didier is going to make Rossi look good (moderate) to the mainstream public. Instead of alienating the GOP base, Rossi’s scrap with Didier is going to attract moderate Democrats and Independents who want change, but not Krazy change.

Didier will make those important moderate voters feel comfortable with Rossi in time for the general.

The latest attack on Rossi by the Washington Life Coalition would seem to prove the theory out.  For years, Rossi has been attacked from the left by NARAL, NOW and Planned Parenthood as a caveman who wants to keep women barefoot and pregnant.  Now a far right organization joins in, slamming Rossi in a new video for not unconditionally opposing abortion, even in the case of rape or incest.

It's curious that Washington Life Coalition would go after Rossi on this issue.  In 2000, only 1% of induced abortions in the U.S. were due to rape or incest.  The pro-life movement in fact frequently downplays the number of rape and incest related abortions to argue that abortion is used more as a form of birth control. Would pro-lifers prefer a candidate who is 99% anti-abortion to Patty Murray who is 100% pro-abortion on the taxpayer's dime?   But maybe not so curious after all, as some members of the Washington Life Coalition are supporters of Rossi's Republican opponent Clint Didier.  So we're back to Feit's prediction.

There's no question that Dino Rosi is pro-life.  In fact, when asked by RealClearPolitics, "You are pro-life. When was the last time Washington voters elected a pro-life senator?," Dino didn't deny the label, he simply responded, "I'm not really sure about that. You'd have to go research that yourself."  But he's not running a campaign based on abortion.  He's running a campaign based on shrinking government and restoring fiscal sanity.

Abortion in the case of rape or incest is hardly a burning issue for most voters, particularly with the current dismal economic and jobs prospects.  Washington voters want real, sensible solutions, not ideological quibbling.   So these zealots on the left and the right are doing Rossi an inestimable favor by triangulating him in the eyes of voters.  Rossi will finally be free to run as himself.  This could be his year.   As Rossi told the National Journal's Hotline OnCall, "This is the first time I've actually run in a non-presidential year.  I never have before. I've always had to wear everybody's else's baggage."

WA Senate Candidates Weigh In On Petraeus Confirmation

The U.S. Senate today unanimously confirmed the appointment of General David Petraeus as the top military commander in Afghanistan to replace Stanley McChrystal.

Washington U.S. Senate candidate Dino Rossi issued a press release praising the confirmation, stating:

I commend President Obama on his outstanding pick of Gen. David Petraeus to serve as commander of the multinational forces in Afghanistan. The U.S. Senate’s vote to confirm him today demonstrates that they have the same confidence I do in Gen. Petraeus’s ability to lead a successful counterinsurgency campaign.
Rossi's fellow Republican candidate Paul Akers' campaign also issued a press release, taking a swipe at incumbent Democratic Senator Patty Murray's former stance on General "Betray-Us."  If you remember, in 2007, the Senate passed a measure supporting then-Iraq commander Petraeus in the face of's slanderous attacks on him.  Murray voted against the resolution, along with Ted Kennedy and Harry Reid.  Obama, Biden, and Washington's other Senator Maria Cantwell conveniently did not vote:
Today, US Senator Patty Murray significantly changed her position on the leadership of General Petraeus to follow Democrat Party leaders. Murray voted to confirm General David Petraeus as Commander of US Armed Forces in Afghanistan. In 2007, Murray protested the leadership of Gen. Petraeus, going so far as to vote against an amendment to show full support for Petraeus and condemning personal attacks against him or any other member of the US Armed Forces.

US Senate candidate Paul Akers called on Senate leaders to stop playing political games with America's military.
Not surprisingly, there was no word from Murray's office today on her vote to confirm Petraeus.

No word either from the camp of Republican candidate Clint Didier.  The latest on his website urges readers to sign a Declarartion of Support for the Campaign for Liberty.  Given that, we're probably not likely to see a mention of the war in Afghanistan.

Understanding the Nuremberg Kangaroo Trials

source: judicial-inc

Jews Claim That They Were Subject To High Altitude Experiments At Dachau [1]

They hung doctors, at Nuremberg, over this evidence

The Nuremberg Trial Staff Was 90% Jews

This particular trial was called the Nuremberg Doctor's Trial. They brought in a few crazy Russian, and Polish Jews, some forged documents, and convicted 23 doctors.

As we examine the parachute, we find that it is an American T-7, and the picture is a hoax.

Look at the German Parachute Harnesses compared to the experimentation

Here are American T-7 Parachutes

You Have To Ask Yourself

Just how does a Jewish Delicatessen clerk wind up in a picture at Dachau, with an American T-7 parachute on?

There is no Great Mystery Here

Stories about Auschwitz, female guards skinning Jews, Camp Commandants using Jewish babies for skeet shooting, and on and on were all Jewish fabrications.

How do you hang people on ridiculous stories, and staged pictures?

Protests all over occupied Kashmir

Occupied Kashmir once again rocked with Protests against Indian army recent killings in different areas of occupied Kashmir. Indian Army has martyred several innocent Kashmiri's in different parts of occupied Kashmir including four killings by firing on a Funeral. Due to these killings massive protests are taking place in occupied Kashmir.

Watching this situation Indian army has imposed curfew in most parts of occupied Kashmir and SMS service is also closed down. India has killed thousands of Kashmiri people till now and tried everything to crush freedom movement but People of Kashmir are stil raising slogans "Le Ke Rahen Ge Azadi".

The Russian Spy Ring Exposed

The Russian Spy Ring Exposed

Turkey Closes Airspace for Israel

Turkey has closed its Airspace for Israeli military flights over attack on Freedom Flotilla last month in which more than 20 people in which most where from Turkey where killed and several where injured. this Freedom Flotilla was taking aid to Gaza.

Prime Minister of Turkey Tayyip Erdogan told media in Canada that Turkey has banned Airspace for Israel over attack on Freedom Flotilla. Last Sunday Turkey not allowed an Israeli Plane that was taking Israeli Army officers to use its Airspace. Things are not very good after the incident of Freedom Flotilla between Turkey and Israel and Turkish Prime Minister also given strong statements against Israel.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Didier's Supporters Keeping It Classy

The picture below was taken from the "Clint Didier for Senate" Facebook page this afternoon.  It's an obvious takeoff of the various pictures of Obama as Joker that circulated last summer


The picture wasn't posted by an admin and was later deleted.  But it shows the mindset of many of Didier's more rabid supporters, who forget that Didier is supposedly running against Patty Murray, not Dino Rossi.

You can hardly blame them for acting that way when Didier's chief campaign consultant Kathryn Serkes recently said "I find it particularly odd that somebody who lost his last two statewide elections wants to pretend he is the frontrunnner" or when Didier himself stated "If people want more of the same, the McCain or Bush type of governing, then they can support Dino."  When asked by the National Journal's Hotline OnCall about Didier, Dino responded, "I'm running against Patty Murray."

The problem with all this silliness is that it is now being noticed nationally, with the narrative being falsely reported as "Tea Party vs. Establishment."   Nothing could be further from the truth.  Rossi told RealClearPolitics when asked about the Tea Party:
It's given great energy to this election cycle. Through the tea parties, I've encountered people from bookkeepers to school principals who have never been active at all in anything political, and they just felt moved that they had to participate. Which is great, because less than 5 percent of the American public contribute to a campaign or actually get really involved in a campaign. It's wonderful that more people are getting involved.
It's getting harder to see how we come together after August 18 to defeat Patty Murray.

None Dare Call It Treason

In a diary entry at the leftist Washblog, "Stop Dino" wrote:

There are several disturbing polls out there showing a Patty Murray vs. Dino Rossi race as way too close for comfort. According to several polling organizations a hypothetical race between Murray and Rossi is a statistical dead heat, while there are other polls such as Elway show Murray with a slight lead. It is particularly disturbing that the Murray lead over Rossi in Elway, which has consistently shown the best numbers for the incumbent senator, has gone from 17% on May 2 to 7% on June 13th. If the race remains this tight going into November, a motivated base within the extreme right wing of the Republican party could make the difference,
particularly if our base is somewhat disappointed with Obama's first term. Let's face it, it is hard to see the real change since 2008. Our troops are still overseas, Obama is sending even more troops to Afghanistan, the Patriot Act was reauthorized, single payer was dropped from healthcare reform, and the administration is letting BP dump millions of gallons of Corexit in the Gulf, which is more toxic than the oil itself. If others like myself are a little disappointed, then some might decide not even to show up and the skewed turnout could cause us to lose a race that never should have been close.
However, there is one way we can ensure that Murray wins. Many of you might remember back in 2008 how Rush Limbaugh tried to sabotage the Democratic primary by getting the Republicans to vote for Hillary Clinton after the Republican nomination was a fait accompli to create turmoil in the party. Well realistically speaking, Patty Murray has no strong competition on the left, so she is going to skate through the primary pretty handily. The same polls quoted above show candidate Clint Didier with a much larger deficit in a head to head with Murray. This is one of the reasons that the GOP elite in D.C. lobbied hard to get Dino to run at the last minute. On the other hand the Tea Parties and right wing nutcases are backing Didier. If enough Democrats crossed over and voted for Didier in the August 17th primary, then Didier gets through to the general election and should be handily defeated by Murray. The great news is because of the top two primary, one only needs to vote for the Republican in that one race. It might only take 10-15% of Democrats to swing the race given the support for Didier on the east side of the state. If the Tea Party in Washington wants to self-destruct and push Didier into the general, I say we help them!
The diary has since been deleted, but the Google cache is still available here.  "Stop Dino" also has a blog,

This post illustrates a couple of points.  First, the Democrats are obviously scared as hell the Mom in Tennis Shoes is going to be sent walking.  Two, it shows how the "Tea Party vs. Establishment" narrative spun by the Didier campaign has played right into the Democrats' hands. 

Now, it's not likely at all that "Stop Dino's" strategy would work any better than the silly "Crash The Tea Party" meme did earlier this year.  Crossover voting has been a real concern of "top two primary" opponents in Washington and most recently California, and the Idaho Republican Party issued a warning about crossover voting by Democrats before the May primary.  The Idaho GOP has even sued to change the primary to a closed one.  But there isn't much evidence that crossover voting occurs in significant numbers.  A 2006 Harvard study found "little evidence that these 'crossover' voters deliberately choose the weakest candidate in the other party’s primary to benefit their party’s candidate in the general election."

But the real damage could come in November when disaffected Didier supporters refuse to give their vote to the "establishment candidate shoved down our throats," Dino Rossi.  Every poll has showed that the Senate race is going to be very, very close and Rossi will need every conservative vote to win.

Meanwhile, there is going to be a "money bomb" tomorrow for Republican Libertarian Clint Didier - Ron Paul Republican for US Senate, Washington State

Indian Media Biggest Liar of the World

Although there are many biased Medias all around the world that converts while into black and black into white and controls minds of public but if someone will ask me that which is the most biased media of the world? i will have no problem in saying that its Indian media. I will have no problem in calling Indian Media as biggest liar of the world.

Everyday you will find hundred baseless fake stories on India TV Channels and Newspapers against Pakistan and Muslims. In try to increase TRP which increases profit Indian Channels tries to do maximum Pakistan bashing. More Fake hot stories they makes against Pakistan the more viewers they get. Playing dangerous type of music with these fake news makes the news look even more hot. its common In Indian media to give such news that 5 Pakistani terrorist entered India, 6 Pakistani Taliban entered India,  Pakistan planning terrorist attacks on India, Pakistan helping the Taliban, Muslims are involved in terrorism in India, ISI making Plans of new terror attacks on India. Such news not just increase the profit of Indian Media but also increases hatred against Pakistan in heart of People of India.

Recent Developments of Afghanistan: Zaid Hamid

Recent Developments of Afghanistan: Zaid Hamid

Afghanistan Going Towards Negotiated Settlement

It is becoming more and more clear now after seeing ground situation of Afghanistan and some recent developments in US that Afghanistan is now heading towards a Negotiated Settlement. American President Barack Obama has also said in his latest statement that Afghan War is more difficult than we hope and we will have to do .

UK Army Chief has also said in his latest statement that we should start dialogues with Afghan Taliban. American Army is also a supporter of dialogues with Taliban including the recently suspended General Mcchrystal. only a few elements in US Government like Robert Gates still wants to continue the war in Afghanistan. it clearly looks like that US and Nato Forces now wants to Negotiate with Taliban for safe exit which will hopefully start from next year. There is no question of their win in Afghanistan now. what they now want is only Safe Exit.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

UK Government Real Face Exposed by Banning Zakir Naik

Last Week New UK Government banned famous Islamic Scholar Dr Zakir Naik from entering in UK and the reason that where told for banning him where that Zakir Naik promotes Terror by his statements and he also said that Every Muslim Should be a Terrorist. Zakir Naik which keeps on going to UK for giving Lectures was also going to take part in a Islamic Conference that was starting from 24th of June.

I am a person who has been watching Lectures of Dr Zakir Naik from my childhood. Saying that Zakir Naik promotes terror and says that Every Muslim should be a terrorist is biggest Lie of 2010. Infect Zakir Naik is a person who has worked very hard to promote Peace. You will find him saying in his every Lecture that Killing any innocent human whether he is Muslim or Non Muslim is completely Haram In Islam. Even the name of his TV Channel is Peace Tv. When Dr Zakir Naik was asked that what can be the real reasons for banning him from entering UK? He said Islam is fastest growing religion in UK and Millions of People in UK listens to me. UK Government is feared to see Islam growing so rapidly in UK this is why they banned me.

Pakistan Refuses to Arrest Hafiz Saeed

Pakistani officials has once again reject India demand to arrest Chief of Jamat Ud Dawa Hafiz Muhammad Saeed. Pakistani Government has also denied to ban Hafiz Saeed for giving speeches that are targeting India because In Democracy there is Freedom of Expression for Everyone.

 Pakistani Foreign Minister of Shah Mehmood Qureshi said on Saturday that we cannot arrest Hafiz Saeed with out any proof. He said there is no proof against him nor India has provided us any proof against him. Indian Interior Minister P Chidambaram who is also on Pakistani Tour asked Pakistani officials to take action against Hafiz Saeed but answer was same that we cannot take any action without proofs.

US Intelligence Working for partition of Pakistan

US Intelligence Working for partition of Pakistan

Saturday, June 26, 2010

America Can,t Win in Afghanistan

In Recent days we have seen the huge increase in killings of American and Nato Forces Killings in Afghanistan. The Increasing Rift between American Civilian officials and Army is also exposed once again by recent General Mcchrystal issue. Many Security Experts sees General Mcchrystal suspension as an big upset for America in Afghanistan.

Every Strategy Americans and Nato Forces tried in Afghanistan is badly failed because they are fighting a enemy that is unwatchable and they are fighting for a cause that is unknown. Americans also tried to use the Strategy in Afghanistan that they tried in Iraq of creating fighting within the different Groups that are Resisting. They created Fight between Shia and Sunni in Iraq which helped them greatly to control Iraq but they failed to create fight within Taliban Groups in Afghanistan. History also tells us that it is impossible to win in Afghanistan and history is repeating itself today.

Why US Is In Afghanistan: Webster Tarpley

Why US Is In Afghanistan: Webster Tarpley

Islamic Madrasas Not Producing Militants: US Think Tank

A Report of Famous American Think Tank Brookings Institution Published on this Thursday in which it has been said that Islamic Madrasas  are not producing Militants. The report says that Islamic Schools are declared root of Extremism mostly but they are not the major risk factor.

According to report the real reason behind the Extremism is bad public education system in Pakistan not the Islamic Madrasas. The report says that very few people become Militants who studied from Madrasas. The Report also says that another big reason of Extremism is Unemployment.Western and Indian Media mostly blames Islamic Madrasas for Extremism but this report by US Think Tank has exposed their lies.

Friday, June 25, 2010

"The Reagan Wing" Were For Rossi Before They Were Against Him

The cranks headed up by Doug Parris at the poorly-named "The Reagan Wing" blog have been pounding Washington U.S. Senate candidate Dino Rossi recently as the candidate being forced on all the decent liberty-loving folks of this state by the "establishment/King County/left/gay" wing of the Washington State Republican Party.  Purportedly, Parris represents the thinking of the state's Campaign for Liberty (Ron Paul's political organization,) many of whose members support Clint Didier (the Campaign for Liberty cannot officially endorse a candidate.)  I have spoken with representatives of the C4L and can say that Parris' toxic viewpoint does not represent all of their members thinking.

That's why it was intriguing to find this link on Google:


But when I clicked on it, I got this message:


Thank goodness then for the Google cache, which shows the page as it appeared on June 6.
The article, written by Parris and dated August 12, 2008, refers to "Washington State’s leading actual Conservative, Dino Rossi."  Parris' glowing words for Dino were in response to Rossi answering questions posed by Ron Paul supporters asking his stance on various issues including abortion and gin control, which are posted in the blog.  This is interesting coming from Parris, who now acts as if he doesn't know where Dino stands on the issues and demands that he be "vetted."

In his letter, Rossi mentioned:
I have traveled the state and had the opportunity to meet many supporters of Ron Paul. I also understand that there are many in the state of Washington who continue to feel passionately about his candidacy and his platform. We have Ron Paul supporters on staff and volunteering in our campaign offices and in our field organizations around the state. I welcome their participation, and I am honored by their support.
And indeed, again Rossi has Lew Moore, Ron Paul's 2008 National Campagn Manager, on his staff as a senior advisor.

Parris continued to sing Dino's praises in a comment responding to someone who accused Rossi of being a "master dialectician," a criticsm Parris now also makes:
Rossi’s base is made of even wider contrasts. He seeks to win the highest political office in a State where both Parties and the media are controlled by Sons of Belial.
He is engaged in an act of marksmanship that requires astounding accuracy, to hit, in a single shot, an intellectual target so small you and I can’t even see it. It is to sing a melody so perfect that it puts lions to sleep and, yet, gently wakes the maiden… and he must do so while finding footing on a moving platform among friend and foe, everyone jostling.
That is to say, he is running to win, not simply make a point.
I’m convinced Dino is our man. On every front where he has power he will turn us in the right direction and will be re-elected.
If you still believe there is hope to save the Republic at the ballot box, you have to vote for him. The good he will do as governor is potentially earth-shaking. Washington is governor-centric.
One wonders why Parris turned so viciously on Rossi this time, considering Rossi's polcies and approach have not changed one iota since 2008.  Parris has also repeatedly attacked Chris Widener and myself for acting as "cheerleaders" for Rossi because he has the best chance to win the Senate race, just as Parris was "cheerleading" for him for governor in 2008.  No wonder Parris deleted his story.

Okay, feel free to resume the intra-conservative in-fighting that will keep the Democrats in power for another generation in Washington.

Rasmussen: Rossi and Murray in Dead Heat

The latest Rasmussen poll continues to spell trouble for the Democrats in the Washington U.S Senate race.  For an 18 year incumbent to be polling below 50% less than 5 months before the election has to be very troubling.  According to Rasmussen:

Despite the closeness of her race against Rossi in a year that so far seems to be going the GOP’s way, Murray has the powers of incumbency at hand in a state that trends Democratic. Still, incumbents that fall short of 50% at this stage of a campaign are considered potentially vulnerable. 
In fact Murray is so weak, that Rossi's fellow Republicans have both gained on her. Clint Didier is up 3% and Paul Akers is up 6% from the last Rasmussen poll.


Murray is so panicked, in fact, that she is conjuring up leftist bogeymen Sarah Palin and Karl Rove in a fundraising e-mail:
"We've also learned that Sarah Palin is planning to go 'all in' in support of her hand-picked Tea Party candidate, Clint Didier," Bjornstad wrote.
"With Karl Rove and Sarah Palin both targeting this race, we know we're going to have our hands full all the way through Election Day - and we need your help to fight back."
In her letter earlier this week, Murray warned of "Karl Rove's multi-million dollar threat" and linked the former White House deputy chief of staff - nicknamed "Bush's Brain" - to Rossi.

"Working together, I know we can defeat Karl Rove and Dino Rossi this November," Murray wrote.
It's obvious Murray has no issues to run on, so she is going to resort to the tried and true Alinksy demonization method.

Rossi's tremendous edge in social media has also prompted the "Mom in Tennis Shoes" to finally join the 21st Century and start a Twitter account, @PattyforWA, two days ago.

It's going to be an interesting race.

The Jewish Plan For The World

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pak Ignores US Warning on Gas Deal with Iran

Pakistani Government has ignored the Warning of US on Gas Pipeline deal with Iran and has decided to continue to work on it. Few days ago American official Richard Halbrook warned Pakistan that in future more sanctions on Iran can effect Pak-Iran Gas Pipeline deal so Pakistan should not do hurry on this deal but Pakistani officials ignored the warning and has decided to continue work on this deal.

According to sources the main purpose of Richard Halbrook visit to Pakistan is also to pressurize its officials to stop Gas Deal with Iran. on other hand US is planning to impose more sanctions on Iran in United Nations very soon. Iran is also working very fast on uranium enrichment.

Zaid Hamid on General Mcchrystal Controversy

Zaid Hamid on General Mcchrystal Controversy

Obama Fires US Army Gen McChrystal

American President Barack Hussain Obama has fired Top American Army Commander in Afghanistan Gen Stanley McChrystal yesterday for writing a article in a Magazine in which he criticized top American officials. After dismissing Gen Stanley McChrystal Barack Obama has given Command of Forces in Afghanistan to General David Petraeus.

Barack Obama said he has fired Gen McChrystal because he has failed to meet the standards a Army General Should have. Obama also said that i have not made this decision because i have any difference in Afghan Policy with him. Gen McChrystal was one of the top US Commander who was in Iraq before Afghanistan where he fought against Al Qaeda.

Monday, June 21, 2010

MSNBC poll - 96% of Americans support Arizona's anti-illegal immigration law; 1.4+ million votes


Where is the "uproar" against this law that the JewsMedia keeps harping about?

New Interview of Dr Abdul Qadir Khan

New Interview of Dr Abdul Qadir Khan in Aik Din Geo Ke Sath

China's Positive Ratings Goes Down in India Increases in Pakistan

According to latest report China's Positive Ratings is decreased 9% In India from 43% to34% while it has increased more in Pakistan to 85%. if i explain in simple words now only 34% Indians considers China a friend while 85% Pakistani considers China a friendly nation.

 PRC an American organization done this Survey in both India and Pakistan and some other countries. In last few years China's Positive Ratings was 43% in India which has now gone down to 34% only. In other parts of World China got mixed ratings. In US 49% people considers China a Friendly nation while in UK the percentage is 45%. Ratings in Russia was high 60%.

Nawai Waqt Asks ANP to Leave Pro Indian Agenda

One of the most famous and oldest Newspaper of Pakistan Nawai Waqt Group has asked Awami National Party (ANP) to leave Pro Indian Agendas and to support creation of Kalabagh Dam which will help ending shortage of Water and Electricity. Today an Editorial in Nawai Waqt  Newspaper criticized Polices of ANP and asked its leaders to leave Pro Indian Agendas.

The Editorial also says that Kalabagh Dam is very important to solve Water and Power problems of Pakistan and no party should oppose it. Awami National Party (ANP) has old history of supporting India and they where also against Creation of Pakistan.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Tribute to Pakistan Army Kargil War Heroes

A Tribute to Pakistan Army Kargil War Heroes

Blackwater do New Contract in Afghanistan with US

Famous Private Security Services Agency Blackwater which has a very bad image has done a new Security contract with US in Afghanistan of 120 Million Dollars. This time Blackwater has done contract with US with its new name Xe. Blackwater got a bad image when it was found involve in doing many civilian killings in Iraq and Afghanistan after which it changed its name to Xe.

Blackwater has done many secret operations till now and is involved in killings of many innocent people in Afghanistan and Iraq. According to many Analysts it is also present in Pakistan. In new contract with US Blackwater will operate in Mazar Sharif and Harat and will do security of American Consulates. 

China Defends Nuclear Deal with Pakistan

Chinese officials has defended its Civil Nuclear Deal with Pakistan according to which two nuclear reactors will be created soon. Americans and Indians are showing their objections on this Nuclear deal but Chinese officials has rejected American and Indian objections and has said that this deal is for peaceful purposes.

The Spokesman of Chinese Foreign Ministry has said that the purposes of this deal are peaceful and it is also according to guidelines of IAEA so American and Indian objections on this deal are not correct. Last week U.S. State Department and Indian officials sought clarification on Nuclear deal between Pakistan and China. Pakistan's Army Chief Kayani is on Tour of China for five days where he has done different Defense agreements with Chinese officials but American and Indians are not happy with this increasing cooperation between Pakistan and China. Americans officials are also not happy with Pakistan on doing Gas Pipeline deal with Iran.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Glory and Downfall of Muslims: Zaid Hamid

Glory and Downfall of Muslims: Zaid Hamid

Basic Information about Pakistan

In this post i am going to share some basic information about Pakistan that many people wants to know.

Pakistan was made on 14 August 1947 Day of Friday and 27th Ramadan.
Pakistan's First Governor General Was Quaid Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Pakistan's First Prime Minister Was Liaquat Ali Khan.
Name of Pakistan was given by Ch Rahamt Ali.
Pakistan's Concept was given by Allama Iqbal first of all.
Pakistan's National Anthem was written by Abul Asar Hafeez Jullundhri.
Pakistan's First National Anthem in Urdu Was written by Jagannath Azad.
Pakistan's Resolution was passed on 23rd March 1940 in Lahore.
Pakistan is located in South Asia.
Pakistan has borders with China, India, Iran, Afghanistan and Arabian Sea.
Pakistan is the only Muslim Country who has Nuclear Weapons
Pakistan's Current Population is 166,111,487.
Pakistan's Area is 803,940 km2 (36th).
Pakistan's National Language is Urdu while Religion is Islam.
Moto of Pakistan is Ittehad, Tanzeem, Yaqeen-e-Muhkam.
Capital of Pakistan is Islamabad while largest City is Karachi.
Currency of Pakistan is Pakistani Rupees (PKR).
Pakistan's Calling Code is 92 while Internet TLD is Pk.
Pakistan's Nation Flower is Jasmine, Animal is Markhor, Sports is Hockey.
Pakistan Army has active force of 750,000 personnel.

China Promises full Defence Cooperation with Pakistan Army

Pakistan's Army Chief General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani is on five days tour of China these days where he is meeting different officials of China to improve Pak China relations and Defence agreements. Yesterday General Kayani meet Defence Minister of China Liang Guanglie where both of them agreed on increasing the Defence cooperation between both countries.

Defence Minister of China Liang Guanglie said that Cooperation between Arm Forces of Pakistan and China is very strong and we will make it more stronger. General Kayani said that Pakistan gives great importance to its Defence relations with China and we will make these relations even more stronger. General Kayani will meet many other officials of China as well. at same time Pakistan and China has also rejected American and Indian objections on Civil nuclear deal and said it is for peaceful purposes.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Afghan Minerals the uncovered conspiracy

Afghan Minerals the uncovered conspiracy

US Citizen Caught in Pakistan Came to Hunt Bin Laden

You will be really surprised to hear this Interesting news that Pakistani Authorities has caught a US Citizen on Pak-Afghan Border when he was trying to cross the Afghan Border. This man was on a private hunt for Al Qaeda Leader Usama Bin Laden. the name of this American Citizen is Gary Brooks and he is 52 years old. He lives in California state of US.

The man was trying to go to Afghan Province Nooristan by crossing the border when Border Security Forces arrested him. Weapons like Pistol and small sword are also caught by him. in initial Investigation the man has told that he is simply a American citizen and not connected to any American agency. He also told that he came to kill Usama Bin Laden because he has harmed many Americans. This man is now moved to Peshawar where more Investigation will be done from him that Whether he is speaking the truth or not?

Americans Losing in Afghanistan Blames ISI

It is very clear that Americans and Nato Forces are losing the War in Afghanistan and Afghan Taliban are getting stronger and stronger everyday. Insurgency in different Afghan Provinces is increasing instead of decreasing. Recent US and Nato Forces operation in Marjah City was also not very successful.

Watching this Situation Americans are trying to use Pakistan and ISI as a scapegoat so that they can convert blame on Pakistan that we are losing the War in Afghanistan due to Pakistan. By doing this American officials will be able to make an excuse in front of their public for shameful defeat in Afghanistan. Americans officials and Media keeps on blaming ISI almost every month so that they can make Pakistan responsible for defeat in Afghanistan. Recent blames on ISI of funding Afghan Taliban by LSE where also part of this Game plan.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Podcast: Kirby Wilbur Interviews Washington U.S. Senate Candidates

Last Friday afternoon, during the Washington Republican Convention, conservative radio talk show host Kirby Wilbur interviewed Washington U.S. Senate candidates Paul Akers and Dino Rossi in Esther Short Park in Vancouver.  Clint Didier was invited but unable to attend because he was meeting with Sarah Palin in the Tri-Cities.  I have extended the offer to Clint personally to ask him the same questions and post his responses here.

 Intro from Tom Forbes:

2-Minute Speech - Paul Akers:

Questions - Paul Akers:

2-Minute Speech - Dino Rossi:

Questions - Dino Rossi:

Here are some photos from the event:

WAGOP10 059
Paul Akers speaks with the author

WAGOP10 061
Kirby Wilbur interviewing Paul Akers

WAGOP10 065
Kirby Wilbur interviewing Dino Rossi

Elway Poll: Rossi Far Ahead of Didier and Akers, Closing on Murray

A new Elway poll released yesterday found the following results for the August 17 Washington "top two" primary for the U.S. Senate race in Washington state.  Remember, under Washington law, the top two vote-getters advance to the general election in November, regardless of party:

Patty Murray (D) 43%
Dino Rossi (R) 31%
Clint Didier (R) 5%
Paul Akers (R) 2%

17% were undecided, with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.9%.  The poll was conducted June 9-13 with 405 registered Washington voters.

Elway also conducted polling on hypothetical one-on-one matchups for November:

Murray (D) 47%
Rossi (R) 40%
Undecided 13%

Murray (D) 47%
Akers (R) 33%
Undecided 20%

Murray (D) 46%
Didier (R) 32%
Undecided 22%
The last Elway Poll, conducted at the beginning of May, had Rossi down to Murray 51%-34%.  He's closed the gap considerably since entering the Senate race officially two and a half weeks ago.  For an incumbent to still be polling below 50% less than five months before the election must have Democrats in a panic.  Murray lost support across the board to all the Republican candidates, not just Rossi.  Look for Demcrats to try and play up Republican disunity even more in the coming weeks.

Didier Campaign Implies Rossi is Floundering

There's a political narrative being spun by the Didier campaign in the Washington U.S. Senate race that somehow the Dino Rossi campaign is sputtering.  Didier is in D.C. to meet with the National Republican Senatorial Committee and to do some fundraising, according to Politico.  Didier has just tweeted that he has also met with Ron Paul.  Having support from both Sarah Palin and Ron Paul might seem a little weird, but Palin did endorse Rand Paul in Kentucky (as well as Ron Paul's neo-con archnemesis John McCain.)  The "Rogue"  has been all over the place in her endorsements this year.

Of course, the NRSC recruited Didier's opponent, Dino Rossi, so the implication is that somehow the NRSC is now souring on Rossi.  Didier chief campaign adviser Kathryn Serkes, of Square One Media Network in Bellevue, told Publicola.

They made some noises about supporting Dino Rossi before he declared, but now that his campaign hasn’t soared the way it was supposed to, they’re talking to us.
The GOP establishment Serkes said, “thought they could swoop in and tell us who to support, but they’ve realized this is a [grassroots] year.”
Serkes might be playing a bit fast and loose with the facts.  The NRSC e-mailed Publicola:
Throughout this election cycle, we’ve been happy to meet with any candidate in any race who is interested in sitting down with our staff to discuss our efforts to win races in November. Until this morning, we never heard from the Didier campaign until they contacted us and requested a meeting—had they contacted us six months ago we would have been happy to talk to them then as well.  But to spin this into something it’s not, is disappointing.
It's also disappointing that some in the Tea Party movement have drank the Campaign for Liberty's Kool-Aid about Rossi.  Other than the fringe Ron Paul stuff, Rossi and Didier are virtually the same on Tea Party-focused isues of health care, federal spending, auditing the Fed, limited government, cap-and-trade, etc.  But I digress...

Serkes also alleges that there was an attempted fix on to make the recent Washington Republican convention a coronation for Dino.  But as Publicola reports, there isn't much proof of that, other than maybe some wishful thinking at a May 1 state party executive board meeting in Yakima.  And state party chair Luke Esser continues to support a contested primary to let the best candidate win.

Here's my take.

Obviously, Dino Rossi enjoys widespread support.  His Facebook page now has over 25,000 followers and he raised $600,000 in one week, much of it online.  That's twice as much as Didier raised since last October.  Until those numbers change, as well as the polling numbers, all Didier is going to have show is smoke and mirrors like this.  In fact, the latest Elway Poll finds that in a four way race between Rossi, Didier, Paul Akers and Patty Murray, Dino is way ahead of both Didier and Akers .  Rossi received 31% to Didier's 5% and Akers' 2%.  Dino also closed the gap from the last Elway poll in a race strictly between him and Murray by 6%, with Murray ahead  47%-40%.

Even if Didier had more supporters among the 1200 delegates and 400 alternates at the convention in Vancouver (no one will ever know for sure,) it doesn't matter.  The delegates represent just a microscopic fraction of voters in the Top Two primary that will be held in August, which is not limited to just Republicans.  And delegates to the convention were selected at county conventions held back in March, long before Dino had entered the race.  In any case, my observation was that there was plenty of support for Dino among delegates, as well as Didier.

The Didier campaign seems all too interested in straw polls, based upon their highly-touted "Liberty Coalition" event held Friday evening in Vancouver.  They packed it with 150 Didier supporters (some of whom were convention delegates, some not) and made sure the press was on hand to report the negative quotes about Rossi not wanting to get the U.S. out of the U.N. or strongly back the Arizona immigration law and the straw poll results, which of course greatly favored Didier.  Again, do 150 people represent the tens of thousands in the Washington Tea Party movement?  Who knows?

To paraphrase Serkes, if Didier whipped his votes on the convention floor and found that he had enough, why wasn't a straw poll held during Saturday's general session?  A motion to that effect was made very early in the proceedings and resoundingly defeated.   The answer is clearly that the Didier camp wasn't confident it could win such a poll (nor was the Rossi camp either I suppose.)  So no overall straw poll, just a handpicked, strongly biased one, with the real winner being Esser, who says the party will not back a candidate before the primary.

Hey, it's politics.  As much as some like to claim they are "outsiders" and "not playing politics as usual," they really are playing political hardball like anyone else.  They get professional hired gun consultants who try to weave a tale that their opponent is floundering, which is a time-tested strategy.  So what if it doesn't match reality?  You vigorously back your guy and let the voters decide.

US General Petraeus Fells During Briefing on Afghanistan

Yesterday US General David Petraeus Fell while giving Briefing on Afghanistan Conditions.

Why False Propaganda against ISI By West and India?

Inter Service Intelligence ISI is one of the finest and most famous Intelligence agency of the world but from last few years specially after Pakistan did Nuclear Tests it is under False Propaganda of  West and India. Specially Indian Media Every week makes a Fake Story against ISI to give it a bad Image and to show it as a terrorist Intelligence agency. Their latest story is that a ISI Pigeon is caught from India that was spying for Pakistan. you would be thinking why West and Indians keeps on doing this False Propaganda against ISI?

ISI is the main lifeline of Pakistan's Security and it is alone successfully facing some of huge budget intelligence agencies like Raw, Mossad and CIA to Protect Pakistan and its Nuclear weapons. If ISI is controlled somehow by our enemies it will not take too long to destroy Pakistan. This is why we keep on seeing False Propaganda against ISI by Western and Indian Media and Leaders. Americans also tried to bring ISI under control of Pakistani Foreign Ministry on which a Pro American Minister Rehman Malik is sitting but Government had to reverse their decision on Pakistan Army Pressure.

Afghan Taliban Rejects Report on Links with ISI

Afghan Taliban has rejected the report of London School of Economics in which it was claimed that Pakistan's Intelligence agency ISI is Training and funding the Afghan Taliban to fight in Afghanistan. Afghan Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid hassent a Email to BBC in which he has strongly rejected the report of LSE of having Links with ISI. Zabiullah Mujahid called this report as void of all truth.

He also said that Americans and westerners keeps on publishing such reports for their interests into Afghanistan. He said if ISI would have supporting them today things would have completely different in Afghanistan. This Report by LSE was published last week and after Publication of this report American and Indian Media launched massive Propaganda against ISI and Pakistan Army.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Indian Nuclear Weapons are unsafe

Indian Nuclear Weapons are unsafe

President Asif Zardari is a American Citizen

According to a famous American Database website NNDB Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardair is a Citizen of America. This website contains complete information about more than 40000 famous personalities of the World. This website has also claimed that President Asif Zardari suffers from diseases like diabetes and depression. If Zardari is really the American Citizen his presidential election can be challenged in Pakistani Courts. following is a snapshot of website NNDB about Asif Zardari.

Work on Iran Pakistan Gas Deal Started

Few days ago Gas Deal between Pakistan and Iran of $7.6-billion was signed according to which Iran will provide 750 million cubic feet Gas to Pakistan daily from middle of 2014. Yesterday the work on this Gas Pipeline deal has started and it will take almost four years to be completed. 700 km long Pipeline is going to be made that will take a long time.

India that was first showing interest to be included in this deal as well is now kept out of this deal while China is showing interest to be included in this deal.  US is really unhappy on this deal between Pakistan and Iran and if China also joins this deal it will increase US anger even more. According to some Analysts the recent Western Propaganda against ISI is also a part of pressurizing Pakistan to end this deal.

Congresscritter Bob Etheridge assaults student asking simple question

Typical of these political whores who are either chemically intoxicated, or just drunk on power. Will be a cold day in hell before he is charged with assault and battery for this attack. But if the roles were reversed and this student were to have grabbed Etheridge, imagine how fast he would have been arrested, and charged, probably under the Patriot Act.

And no, you damnable traitor, you do not have the right to know who the man is.

Even Most of Bollywood Actors are against Indian Media

Indian Media that is famous for making Fake stories to increase their viewership specially against Pakistan is also not liked by much Indian Bollywood Stars. Bollywood Stars Like Salman Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Dia Mirza and Preity Zinta are strongly against Indian Media. These stars says that Indian Media makes fake Scandals and Fake stories about Bollywood Stars to increase their viewership.

Now you can imagine when most of Stars of a Country says that Indian Media make stories about them to increase their viewership then how can that media leave a Enemy Country? Indian media keeps on making Big fake stories against Pakistan, ISI and Pakistan Army. This Behaviour of Indian Media only increases hatred between people of both countries. Indian Media is also not behind in making fake stories against Indian Muslims to declare them terrorists. you must have remembered the Case of Tauqeer Subhan Qureshi whom Indian media for months kept on declaring mastermind of terrorism in India but later on he was proved innocent.

Matt Waldman Accuses ISI for Funding Afghan Taliban

Matt Waldman Accuses ISI for Funding Afghan Taliban

Pak Army Rejects Blames of Links With Afghan Taliban

Pakistan Army has strongly Rejected the Blames of Links with Afghan Taliban. Recently London School of Economics Published a report in which Pakistan's Intelligence Agency ISI was blamed of Funding and Supporting the Afghan Taliban. The Report also claimed that even Pakistani President Asif Zardari meet the Top Taliban Leaders.

Pakistan Army Spokesman Major Genera Athar Abbas has said that these allegations are completely wrong and baseless. He said the purpose of these allegations is the defame the ISI and Pakistan Army. He also said that we ourselves are fighting a war against terrorism in our Tribal areas and we have given thousands of Sacrifices.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pakistan Was Manufacturing Hub For Footballs

Pakistan Was Manufacturing Hub For Footballs For World including its Footballs where used inFIFA Matches But now its China that has taken over.

LSE Blames Pakistan for Supporting Taliban

A Report Published by London School of Economics yesterday on Saturday 12th June 2010 has blamed Pakistani Intelligence agency ISI for Supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan. The Report has blamed that ISI is training and funding the Taliban in Afghanistan.

The Report also claims that Pakistan is doing double Game and Pakistani President Asif Zardari also meet top Taliban Commanders recently. Pakistani officials has strongly rejected this baseless report and has said it is Pakistan which has lost thousands of its People in Terrorism and Pakistan is also fighting a war in Tribal Arears. American officials has also rejected this report by London School of Economics that is a top UK  institution.

Pakistan Army Infantry Weapon Systems Photos

Following are Pakistan Army Infantry Weapon Systems Photos.