Wednesday, November 30, 2005


In my studies of the various communist parties in the world today and in history, I have come to the very logical conclusion that they are little more than a Mafia dressed up in Marxist dogma whose leadership is a sorry collection of sociopaths.

In the USA the premier party of the Left are the Democrats, and while they do not have an official Marxist agenda -- just below the surface exists an agenda that has an ominous parallel with Marxism, which many call Political Correctness, and is a useful vehicle to provide totalitarian authority to increasingly corrupt and degenerate political elite.

Rush Limbaugh -- The Doctor of Democracy -- documents the corruption of the Democratic Party which is systemic and thus the norm for the usually sociopath Democratic politicians.

RUSH: Bill in Delray Beach, Florida. Glad you called, sir, welcome.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Listen, as you're recounting the corruption scandals of the past in Congress, you might want to remember the Keating Five, four of which were Democrats, and one was -- the only Republican was -- McCain -- and Jim Wright, the speaker of the House.

RUSH: Yeah, I got 'em all here. I got 'em all here. I've got the Keating Five. They say there was a Republican in that group, but I'm not so sure. Here's the list: Alan Cranston, Dennis DeConcini, Don Riegle, John Glenn and John McCain. Who is the Republican in that group?

CALLER: (Laughing.) Uh, it might be five-for-five Democrats.

RUSH: The Keating scandal, the Keating Five, was also related to the Savings and Loan Scandal. This is 1980 and 1989. Remember the name Charles Keating? That's on the list. Let's just start here. These are the scandals, major scandals, 1975 through 1999.

• Lancegate: President Carter's OMB Director Bert Lance resignation amidst allegations of misuse of funds (1977)
• Tongsun Park "Koreagate" scandal involving alleged bribery of more than 100 members of Congress by South Korean government; charges were pressed only against congressmen Richard T. Hanna (convicted) and Otto E. Passman (not prosecuted because of illness); also implicated was South Korean President Park Chung Hee
• Betty Ford addictions (1978)
• Senator Herman Talmadge of Georgia ["Hummen, they called him. Hummen Talmadge of G'ogia.] punished after his ex-wife produced cash "gifts" he had hidden in an overcoat (1979); Talmadge later wrote, "I wish I'd burned that damn overcoat and charged everything on American Express." Talmadge the same year admitted to having spent five weeks in alcohol rehab; he was not re-elected to the Senate in 1980.

What this doesn't tell you is that Hummen would go back home to G'ogia and he'd go walkin' the streets and people would give him money! Constituents would give him money, and that's why it was in the overcoat. Hummen Talmadge. Hummen was around during the Watergate period. He wasn't on the committee or anything but he was constantly being interviewed about it.

• There was the Abscam scandal in (1980) ["One senator, Harrison A. Williams (D-NJ), and five members of the House: John Jenrette (D-SC), Richard Kelly (R-FL) -- later overturned -- Raymond Lederer (D-PA), Michael Myers (D-PA) and Frank Thompson (D-NJ) -- were convicted of bribery and conspiracy. John M. Murphy (D-NY), was convicted of a lesser charge. Most of the politicians resigned. Congressman Myers had to be expelled. Five other government officials were convicted, including the mayor of Camden, New Jersey, Angelo Errichetti. One politician targeted, but not indicted, was Congressman John Murtha (D-PA).]

• "Debategate": briefing book of President Jimmy Carter stolen and given to Ronald Reagan campaign before the 1980 presidential election debate in Cleveland, Ohio.
• October Surprise (1980).

Which, of course, the Democrats were still investigating in 1990.

• Anne Gorsuch Burford refusal to turn over EPA documents (1982)
• William Casey insider trading (1983)
• Iran-Contra affair (1985-1986)
• Savings and loan scandal and the Keating Five (1980-1989): Alan Cranston, Dennis DeConcini, Don Riegle, John Glenn and John McCain.
• Senator John Tower's nomination as Defense Secretary derailed due to allegations of habitual and extreme alcohol abuse and improper ties to defense industry. (1987)
• Mario Biaggi convicted (1988) in Wedtech scandal of bribery, extortion, racketeering, filing a false tax return, mail fraud, and false financial disclosure; resigned from U.S. House before he could be expelled. He was a Democrat from New York.
• Speaker of the House "Fort Worthless" Jim Wright from Texas forced to resign after ethics committee investigation found dozens of violations of House rules, including alleged improper receipt of $145,000 in gifts by Wright's wife from a Fort Worth developer and large profits from "sale" of Wright's speeches.

Well, let me tell you about that. That was 1989. Fort Worthless Jim published a book of these speeches, and they had to get the book pretty thick to make it look Fort Worthless Jim was a substantive guy, and so they used a very large font, typeface, and some cases only one or two words per page. The books mostly were bought by organized labor in bulk, in boxes that were never opened. You had a tough time finding Fort Worthless Jim's book of speeches in the bookstore.

• Anthony Lee Coelho of California. That's Tony Coelho, who remains a major big shot organizing Democrat politics. He resigned from U.S. House for unethical finance practices including "junk bond" deal in 1989.

I remember I was watching Nightline that night. Barbara Walters was -- I saw Barbara Walters last night on Larry King Alive before the football started. You know, she was promoting her top ten most fascinating interviews. By the way, do you know who made her top ten most fascinating people list this year? Kanye West! Kanye West. Would somebody explain to me, of all the people in this country that might qualify as among the ten most fascinating, what in the world is Kanye West doing on the list? Now, I know I'm not an aficionado of rap music, but what am I missing here with Kanye West? Why is he among the fascinating? Is it that comment he made about Bush and Katrina? It has to be. It has to be. Anyway, she didn't look any older last night than when I watched her in 1989 on Nightline. A friend of mine said, "Well, it's all the Vaseline they put on the lens. It's a new version of soft focus." At any rate, I was watching her host Nightline. They were doing it on the resignation of Tony Coelho, and she was beside herself. "Can the government survive?" she said. It was just a congressman! He was a Democrat, powerful Democrat congressman from out in California. I met him a couple times.

• Alcee Hastings, federal district court judge impeached (1989) and convicted of soliciting a bribe. Nevertheless elected to U.S. House by the Democrats in Florida in 1992!
• Senator David Durenberger denounced by Senate for unethical financial transactions 1990.
• Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal implicates former Defense Secretary and Washington insider Clark Clifford (1991).

BCCI that was a Jimmy Carter Deal During his term in office.

• House Bank scandal (1992)
• Mary Rose Oakar (1992) allegations of "ghost employees" on payroll.
• President George H.W. Bush's pardon of six Iran-Contra affair figures on his last day in office ( January 20, 1993), days before the perjury trial of Casper Weinberger was scheduled to begin.

Well, it was a scandal only because the Democrats thought, "You can't do that! We had Weinberger nailed!" Weinberger was indicted the day before the election in 1992: a pure political indictment. That ought to be mentioned. Remember the special counsel on that? Lawrence Walsh. Political indictment. The day before the election, the Friday before the election, he indicted Weinberger. Democrats tried it again right before the election of 2000, leaking that Bush had a DWI he had never talked about, remember that?

• Travelgate (1993)
• Zoe Baird's nomination as Attorney General and Kimba Wood's subsequent near-nomination were derailed by past employment of illegal aliens as nannies. (1993)

Both nominated by President Clinton.

• Walter Fauntroy, Delegate to Congress from the District of Columbia, guilty plea regarding lying on financial disclosure form (1995)
• Wes Cooley (1996)
• Walter R. Tucker III of California resigned before bribery conviction (1996)
• Secretary of Agriculture Michael Espy forced to resign from office despite ultimate acquittal on criminal corruption charges (1998)
• Bruce ba-da ba-da ba-da Babbitt, Interior Secretary, independent probe (1998-2000) of alleged lying to Congress concerning influence of money in 1995 American Indian tribe casino decision finds no criminally prosecutable perjury by Babbitt.
• Vice-President Al Gore (1998) improper fundraising and "no controlling legal authority" defense.

This is those nuns out in California they bilked, the Buddhist nuns. Then he went out and said "no controlling legal authority."

• Whitewater scandal (1994-2000)
• Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich financial improprieties
• Dan "Rosty" Rostenkowski post office scandal (1994)

That's not even half of it. When they got to Rostenkowski's house in Illinois they found a bunch of furniture from his congressional office!

• Teamstergate: Ron Carey's and Bill Clinton's 1996 campaigns for the Presidency of the union and the US, respectively, swapped Teamster's Union general treasury funds into Clinton's campaign for Clinton Campaign funds into Ron Carey's campaign warchest. The Teamster's political director was jailed. No Clinton officials were charged. Carey's re-election was invalidated James Hoffa, Jr was elected when the Teamster election was rerun.
• Henry Cisneros resigns as Housing Secretary and, after lengthy probe that began in 1995, pleads guilty (1999) to lying to the FBI about money he paid former mistress; later pardoned by President Clinton in 2001(Possibly reclassify or cross-reference to Sex scandal)
• Pardongate (1999, 2001)

That's the Marc Rich pardon. We're just up to the year 2000 now, folks, and this just a list of scandals -- and Democrats want to talk about this "culture of corruption" out there? Nine out of ten of these that I've mentioned here are Democrats, and loads of them in the Clinton administration. Let's go.

• Linda Chavez, nomination as Secretary of Labor derailed by past employment of illegal alien. (2001)
• Jim Traficant (D-OH) we all know.
• Robert Torricelli bribery scandal (2002)
• Trent Lott resigned as Senate majority leader amid racial controversy
Yellow cake forgery, false evidence presented in the case for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

• That's still an ongoing controversy. To call this a scandal? We haven't even yet got to the bottom of this. Following that's the Valerie Plame affair.

• "Halliburton Company: is listed as a scandal, here. (laughing)

Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse, Tom DeLay, Bernard Kerik, Bush administration payment of columnists including Armstrong Williams, Maggie Gallagher and Michael McManus. The Downing Street memo is listed. Duke Cunningham, Jack Abramoff, and so on and so forth. This all from Wikipedia as they list the scandal from his 1975 to 1999. What's that? The House Bank Scandal? No, I mentioned it. It's here. I went through it earlier. The House Bank Scandal and the House post office scandal are both mentioned here.


RUSH: Other Democrat scandals? Let's not forget Massachusetts congressman Gary Studds and the little patty cake he was playing with those House pages. Remember that one? Remember that? How about Barney Frank, Stephen Gobie? Stephen Gobie, Barney's partner, running a... Well, a brothel-type thing ran in Barney's basement. Barney said he never knew it. Barney was also fixing parking tickets for the guy. Joe Biden. Joe Biden plagiarizing Neil Kinnock during a presidential primary that Biden quickly faded. The Ted Kennedy and Chris Dodd waitress sandwich. This is a scandal that was repeated practically every night at La Brasserie in Washington, a restaurant that's now closed -- and I'm not making this up. It would either be Senator Kennedy on the bottom and Senator Dodd on the top and the waitress in the middle, or Dodd on the bottom, Kennedy on the top, and the waitress in the middle, hence the waitress sandwich. The governor of Kentucky, Paul Patton, was accused of pressuring his mistress, harassing her after she broke it off and then withdrawing Medicare money from her nursing home that she ran, remember that? If the Democrats want to play this culture of corruption game, let's just remind them there's a new media. Oh, Edwin Edwards of Louisiana! Gosh, we could probably take up the rest of the program today mentioning a bunch of Democrat scandals. By the way, Dave Durenberger is a Republican from Minnesota. I said he was a Democrat senator. What about New Jersey? The whole state's a culture of corruption there. New Jersey itself --which is, you know, Democrat-run state.


*Note: Links to content outside usually become inactive over time.

More Recent Scandals...

(Cipel finally talks about McGreevey to FBI)
(Who Hired Craig Livingstone?)
(Clinton Security Chief Uses N-Word to Curse Out Congressman)
(Billygate: President Carter's Brother Worked for the Lybians!)
(Ted Kennedy: Mary Jo Drowns at Chappaquiddick)
(Congressman Wilbur Mills and Stripper Fanne Foxe)
(Gary Hart(pence))
(Joseph Biden's Plagiarism; Michael Dukakis's 'Attack Video')
(Dukakis's Mental Health)
(Chuck Robb and the Cocaine Parties)
(Barney Frank and the Male Prostitute)
(Washington DC Mayor Marion Barry)
(Senator Charles S. Robb and Tai Collins)
(Bill Clinton and Gennifer Flowers)
(Dodging the Draft and Bill Clinton's 'Red Scare')
(Senator Robert Packwood Accused of Sexual Harassment)
(Clinton Political Advisor Dick Morris)
(Jim Guy Tucker (D-AR) Resigns in Whitewater Scandal)
(FBI focuses on Bush consultant in debate tape probe)
(Hillary Clinton's cattle futures investments)
(DNC Chair Caught in Global Crossing Scandal)
(RollCall: Democrat Governor Uses Push Polls Against Jeb Bush)
(Unforgiven Torch Goes Out in Blaze of Sleaze)
(Kitty Dukakis Alcoholism)
(Kerry / Clinton Advisor Sandy Burglar Steals Terror Documents from National Archives)
(Sen. Fritz Hollings (D-SC) Delivers Sexist Farewell)
(Robert C. Byrd (D-WV)'s Lost MLK Tape )
(DNC Fires Black Workers First)
(Tom Daschle (D-SD)'s Racist "Slip")
(Bob Graham (D-FL)'s Anti-Hispanic Crusade)
(Court Orders 'Deletions' in Clinton IRS Report)
(FEMA AWOL in 90's Worst Disaster)
(Air America Stealing from Boys & Girls Club)
(Vice Foster Found Dead in Fort Marcy Park)
(The Idiot's Guide to Chinagate)
(Buddhist Nuns Admit Destroying Gore Documents)
(Clinton Tried Marijuana, "Didn't Inhale")

A Full List of Algore's Total Fabrications...
(The Gore Lies)

Saturday, November 26, 2005


Should I have been denied the medication that saved my life?
The other side of Proposition 313.


She insists she's glad that I'm alive. She simply believes that the pressures of the choice I made at sixteen are too great for most teenagers to handle. Parents around the country, she warns, are forcing medication on their children before their children are capable of making the decision for themselves. She argues that her proposed legislation is needed to protect an entire generation from having their natural identities hijacked. When I calmly explain that her bill would have killed me if it had been enacted five years ago, she listens politely, but doesn’t seem to understand.

Her name is Rachael Sondheim and she is an ACLU attorney and the primary author of Proposition 313, an initiative that would create federal age requirements for obtaining anti-effeminate medications such as Hetracil. The law would affect physicians and psychoanalysts, imposing harsh penalties for doctors prescribing the drugs to patients under the age of eighteen.

While the pharmaceutical industry is no stranger to federal judicial hearings, there's something that sets this particular dispute apart: the plaintiff organization in this case does not contest the safety or effectiveness of the medication under scrutiny. Not hardly; in clinical trials, Hetracil had fewer side-effects than any neuropharmalogical medication in history, with zero symptoms reported at a higher frequency than that of its placebo control.

This unprecedented lab performance is ascribed not only to the precision with which anti-effeminates operate on their target enzymes, but the narrow role that the enzymes themselves perform. Hetracil works by inhibiting the re-absorption of Dionysocholine, the neurotransmitter in the male hypothalamus responsible for producing behavioral effeminacy. Because of Dionysocholine's hyper-specific (and for decades, elusive) role in the brain's chemistry, its minimization does not produce any but the intended neurological effect.

If the medication's effectiveness and safety are not under dispute, then what is motivating the ACLU's case against Hetracil? The answer is that this legislative action is being fueled by concerns about the anticipated social effects of the medication’s widespread success; The case for proposition 313 is founded on Rachael Sondheim's Huxleyesque vision of a population homogenized by force.

In its campaign to push Proposition 313, The ACLU has coined the phrase 'Identity Genocide'- a dramatic term used to suggest the disappearance of homosexuality from the mainstream population. The ACLU argues that this scenario is inevitable given the nation's skyrocketing consumption of anti-effeminate medications. (Forest Research estimates that market-leader Hetracil is currently prescribed to 47 million Americans, with 11,000 new prescriptions being written each day- Numbers that the ACLU ascribes to the phenomenon of parents who forcefully introduce the medication to their teenage sons.)

The decision to undergo Hetracil therapy is of enormous consequence, and to deprive anyone of this choice by forcing the course upon them is contemptible. It is ironic, however, that the ACLU proposes to remedy this situation by federally mandating an equally stifling deprival of choice.

The idea of depriving millions of the benefits of this medication have true libertarian advocates up in arms. The ACLU's implicit suggestion that this medication that is only appropriate for adults is mistaken and dangerous; on the contrary, it is frequently post-pubescent teenagers that suffer the difficulties of homosexual development the hardest; I know because I was one of them.

I'm a biochemical Engineer - not a politician. I’ve been drawn into the politics of this issue because of the impact that Hetracil has had on my own life. The jump from being the custodian of this buried blog to my recent appearances on nationally syndicated talk shows has been an unexpected leap - and it's a challenge that I've accepted because of how much the issue matters.

In the last 12 weeks my exposure has snowballed and I've emerged as the poster-boy for the opposition to Proposition 313. I myself only became convinced of this two weeks ago, upon receiving Rachael Sondheim's personal invitation to meet with her in her offices at Princeton University.

Suspending humility, Ms. Sondheim’s invitation makes perfect sense to me: As a young, reasonably articulate individual who owes my survival to taking Hetracil shortly after my sixteenth birthday, I’m more or less the ACLU’s worst nightmare.

Disease Information

More than 80 million Americans suffer from some type of Homosexuality, and one in eight persons need treatment for Homosexuality during his or her lifetime. Homosexuality is not a character flaw; it is neither a "mood" nor a personal weakness that you can change at will or by "pulling yourself together."

Many healthy men can identify with having some of the symptoms of homosexuality, such as experiencing sexual fantasies about other men; But Homosxuality is diagnosed only when these activities take at least an hour a day, are very distressing, and interfere with daily life.

We encourage you to Learn more specifics about homosexuality from your doctor- The more you know about the illness itself, the more you can do to manage and recover from it.

Hetracil is the world's most widely prescribed anti-effeminate; it has been prescribed for more than 54 million people worldwide. Chances are, someone you know is getting better because of it. Learn more about how Hetracil works to make you better, so that you can know what to expect while you work toward your recovery.

Friday, November 25, 2005


I know that some of you have wondered what politics I advocate.

I have stated it before, but I will say it again: I stand for individual rights, laissez-faire capitalism and limited constitutional government.In terms of political parties in the United States of America the Libertarian Party would come closest in ideology to my own; however, the Libertarian Party is quite small and has little chance, in the near future, of dominating the politics in the USA. Hence, I support the next best candidate, which is the Republican Party (GOP) that, at least in terms of rhetoric (and sometimes in practice) closely parallels my standards. The Democratic Party is, in my humble opinion, a reactionary socialist machine that supports a highly centralized authoritarian government with limited civil rights and a heavily regulated approach to the economy.

In regards to the terms conservative and liberal: In contemporary America a conservative is really a traditional liberal, that is, one who stands for limited government, civil rights and a free market economy. In contrast, a contemporary American liberal is, in fact, a socialist, one who stands for a highly centralized government that seeks to impose its will upon all aspects of life in society. Another difference between liberals and conservatives in contemporary America is a matter of faith: Conservatives tend to believe in God and look upon government as a necessary evil; In contrast, the liberals believe that government can bring about perfection on earth, they believe in Man.In terms of vocation, the conservatives tend to represent the majority in commerce, military and law enforcement. In contrast, the liberals represent the majority engaged in bureaucracy, the trade unions, environmentalists, teachers and the so-called civil rights movement.

I think of myself as an American patriot. I would describe as a patriot anyone who loves his own country, but does not seek to impose his nation's will over that of another country. A patriot will fight like a lion in defense of his homeland, but will oppose the conquest of other nations. A patriot stands for free minds, free markets and a free exchange of ideas across international boundaries.In marked contrast the nationalist is a chauvinist who believes that his nation's language and culture are superior to that of all other nations. The nationalist seeks to expand his nation's boundaries and influence in the world by force or the threat of force. The nationalist regards as weak men of reason, and thinks that little is to be gain by diplomacy. The classic nationalist comment was made by Bismarck, "The issue will only be determined by blood and iron."

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Commentary on 2000 Presidential Election by Barbour

Dear Friends:

The root cause of the disagreement between me and Woland over the U.S. Presidential election of 2000 is one of philosophy: I favor limited constitutional government, individual rights and laissez-faire capitalism. In contrast, Woland stands for collectivism and subornation of the individual to the State.

As is well known, political science is a branch of philosophy. This is the means by which the "Big Ideas" that guide a nation are put into effect. In America, the real founding father of our republic was the Greek philosopher Aristotle, the father of science who used reason and experiment to explain the world, and his writings on political science which formed the cornerstone of American liberty.

Aristotle's world is one of objective reality where, thru the exercise of reason, the world is made understandable. Thus, man can govern himself without the aid of dictators.

This is in marked contrast to the view held by Aristotle's teacher, Plato. In his REPUBLIC, Plato writes the blueprint of what we would call today a Communist/and or Fascist society. In Plato's republic everyone would have a profession selected by their leaders, and live in a collectivist society. At the top the"philosopher-kings" would rule over this plantation, their power limited only by "reason."

Plato's philosophy can be traced thru the ages to modern philosophers such as Hegel, Marx and Heidegger (The last a Nazi). Aristotle's philosophy can be traced as well: to Thomas Aquinas in the Middle Ages and Ayn Rand in the 20th century (Rand called her philosophic system Objectivism, but she has always acknowledged the role of Aristotle in its creation).

To briefly summarize: Aristotle's philosophy; his important work on political science, was an important contribution to the creation of English democracy and the American Republic, because it seeks to govern men by means of reason -- it is the philosophy of logical argument. Plato's philosophy and his work on political science, "Plato's Republic" --has become the foundation for any number of dictatorships the world has fallen victim to, as it is the philosophy of brute force.

We come finally to contemporary events in the world: Decision 2000. One of the two major players is the Republican Party, which advocates the rule of law and reason in its disputes. The second player is the Democratic Party which follows the philosophy of Plato -- that force -- and changing votes in South Florida is an indirect use of force -- to accomplish its goal of a collectivist America.

It is said that this is a close election. This is not true! In the large urban areas of the Northeast, Southernmost east (Palm Beach County) and urban California the majority of votes went to Gore. In the Southeast, Southwest and West (To include Alaska) the majority of votes went to Bush.

This is because in America's Heartland Aristotle's philosophy, called "common sense" by the common man is still dominant and he believes in independence, individual responsibility and self-reliance; he distrusts the liberal intellectuals, the elite media and wants less not more government interference in his life. The people of the Heartland are disgusted by the immoral and corrupt conduct of the Clinton-Gore Administration. The Heartland of America is also the Bible Belt.

In stark contrast the Democratic Party wants a European style "Social Democracy." This philosophy of collectivism has been drummed into the heads of countless students at most elite American and State supported universities by several generations of American teachers. This collectivist viewpoint is also called "Political Correctness", which holds that the individual's race, class and gender is the determining factor in his life. Since the individual is nothing and social forces everything, the "masses" must rise up and seize control of the economy. Of course, under the guidance of the "educated elite", as the term Philosopher-Kings is out of fashion.

Therefore, this difference in philosophy is the root cause of my conflict with Woland, and the division of America into two camps where compromise is no longer possible, and a divided world where one side holds the rights of man supreme -- and another would enslave men in order to create utopia, which is Latin for a place on earth that does not exist and will never exist.

In the words of Lincoln, "A house divided against itself cannot stand; it must become all of one thing or all of another."

The 21st century should be quite interesting.

Published November 26, 2000:


The whole story. with Terry's permission

The story starts with Nancy’s secretary receiving a phone call from the White House (WH), asking to speak with Dr Anderson, they were informed that Nancy wasn’t in her office; she was in fact at home. They asked for Nancy’s home phone number and LuAnn refused, after repeated calls, and with the WH stating that it was urgent that they speak with Nancy, LuAnn gave them our telephone number.

The phone rang with Nancy rushing out the door running late. Nancy answered the phone, and was informed it was the WH. Nancy’s response? “I’m running late, I don’t have time to talk right now; you’ll have to call back. She hung up on the WH.”

They called back and told Nancy that she had just been awarded the National Medal of Science. She was told that the ceremony would be held in the WH, over a two day period. Nancy immediately me asked me if I could be good in President Clinton’s presence for two days? I said, “No.” She then asked me if I would do it for her since she had just been awarded the NMS. I responded, “For you, of course I can.”

We were given a behind the scenes tour of the WH, normal tours shut down four days a year while the Christmas decorations are put up. We were allowed to go just about anywhere we wanted, and were provided with a Secret Service agent (Presidential detail), as our guide. I was excited; I presumed that I would be seeing people in uniform. Every time we turned a corner I was disappointed. There were NO uniforms, only suits. I did not see one person in military uniform in the WH. That REALLY F-ING pissed me off, and I was grumping pretty loudly about it, when our Secret Service agent took me aside, and asked me, “I was trying to get him in trouble?” My response, “No of course not, but don’t these f-ing people realize how we got a WH in the first place? That people in ragtag uniforms fought and died in order for us to have this place.” The Secret Service agent informed me that the rule is, if you are in the military, and assigned to the WH, you are ALLOWED to wear your uniform one day during the week, but they would prefer that you didn’t. I found out later that it wasn’t Bill, but in fact Hillary, who didn’t want to see military uniforms. That really pissed me off, and still f-ing does:

The next morning we arrived at the WH, with 11 other NMS awardees, the NMS was established in 1957, and has only been awarded to 374 scientists in all that time. So you guys ought to be proud of our little Nancy. Among our group were 2 Nobel Laureates, one of whom is the oldest living Nobel Laureate, he was 89:

We walked into the Oval Office single file, Nancy preceding me, she said to President Clinton, “I’m Dr Anderson, I’m from the university of Iowa and I won for my research in Biological Sciences.” I was supposed to state my name, shake his hand and move on. I was f-ing wound up, pissed off, and totally upset that people serving this country in uniform weren’t welcome in this WH:

I wore a miniature DFC in my lapel it’s visible in the picture, and I started off by telling President Clinton that, “Nancy had been the youngest professor in the history of the University of Iowa, that her Ph.D., was in English Lit, and that she taught for 5 years before attending Medical school.” The room became very quiet, I was not following protocol.

Clinton reached out to shake my hand, I ignored his hand, and pointed to the DFC, I asked him if he knew what it was? He said, “No.” I spent the next five minutes telling him why I joined the military, and why it was important for me to be able to serve MY Country in uniform. That I would have willingly given my life any number of times to protect the freedoms that he and everyone else in this country had grown up with.

President Clinton extended his hand even further, gripping my hand and squeezing it very hard, he held on for the longest time, I was staring him directly in the eye, and his eyes teared up slightly, it was obvious that he was trying very hard to speak without his voice breaking when he was finally able to speak, he said, “THANK YOU SIR!
There were maybe twenty people in that room, and you could have heard a pin drop on the carpet.

Later when Nancy was getting her picture taken with him, I went charging back up front, and said to Clinton, ”You just got back from Vietnam?” He said, “Yes, I did.” I said, “What did you do over there, now that the bullets have stopped?” He said, “I turned over 800,000 documents,” and continued with a whole laundry list of nothing, (in Flight School we called that "mealy mouthing") I said “You should have taken someone like me along.” He said, “What do you mean?” I said, “Someone who would have said B.S., every once in a while when you are being told things that are patently untrue.” He then pointed to the side of his desk, where I then noticed a brick from the Hanoi Hilton with Pete Petersen’s name on it, He said, “I took Pete Petersen, Pete was a prisoner in the Hanoi Hilton for seven years, and he’s now my Ambassador to Hanoi.” I said, “You should have taken John McCain.” He said, “You know John runs hot and cold on this thing.” We went at it for a few more minutes and I finally said, “You know, if you really have any information whatsoever, you need to get it out to the American people. We still have over 2000 families in this country who are still in turmoil because of the MIA/POW situation.” He said he would, thanked me again and we left the Oval Office:

There were 11 other winners besides Nancy, they were all older, were all of an age where they would not have considered refusing to serve their country (as did this President). Several of these gentlemen came up to me, and were hugging me, shaking my hand, patting me on the back, telling me how proud they were of what I had said to the President. A couple of minutes later the door to the Oval Office opened up, and the President's National Science Advisor, walked up to me and said , “The President asked me to convey to you his personal thanks, for the forthright, and honest dialogue you two shared.”
I rolled my eyes at that, because I thought he hadn’t liked it worth a shit. Dr Lane got a little annoyed at this, and said, “Well, the President of The United States, didn’t have to send me out here.” He then went on to say, “You would be surprised at how many people just say Yes Sir, and No Sir, to that man, you did not, you told him some things he needed to hear, you were a breath of fresh air in there, and for that he thanks you.”


Part I

I served with John Kerry in Cambodia!

It's true....Guys I have to confess since Kerry has made our whole mission public property. I do realize, however, that what I'm about to say may still be classified by the National Security Agency (NSA), "Top Secret Ruff Zarf Talent Keyhole US-UK Eyes Only Handle Via Courier Only," and I can go to prison for a term of not less than 10 years of hard labor.

I've told you guys already about being based at Clark AFB in the Philippines with TDY (temporary duty) assignment all over S.E. Asia. One day in early December 1968, I was asked by my C.O., a General, no less, to volunteer for a Top Secret mission in Cambodia. I agreed and he made me sign dozens of papers saying that I would never disclose the nature of this mission.

The General said I'd been selected for this Mission up the Dum Fuk River in Cambodia because of the fact that I was the best marksman in the U.S. Army and my profile indicated that I was a perfect assassin. My Mission was to kill an army Colonel who had went insane in Vietnam and moved into Cambodia with his own private army. His name was Kurtz and he had been a highly decorated Special Forces officer. A guy from the CIA was there also and told me that this Mission never happened.

So before you could say, "Elect John Kerry President" Sergeant Ronbo "The Assassin" was reporting for duty on the Navy Swift Boat commanded by Lt. Kerry. I didn't know who he was at the time because he wore no name tag, nor would any member of the Swift Boat tell me their names, and nobody asked my name. All the Swiftees knew was that I was to be taken up the Mekong to the Dum Fuk River in Cambodia and they were to drop me off near the base camp of Kurtz. The rest was up to me -- and I had been provided by the CIA with the world's most advanced sniper rifle, the Dread XSR, which can now be purchased in most gun stores for $29.95 plus tax. But back in '68 it was one awesome mother.

I won't bore you guys with the rest of the story of how everyone in the Swift Boat was killed except for me and Kerry on our way up the Mekong to the Dum Funk River in Cambodia. But at long last we arrived at Kurtz's base camp in Cambodia and we were captured immediately by his army. This was on December 24, 1968. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what we were doing in Cambodia, because Kurtz had already read The Heart of Darkness by Conrad and figured out that he would die at the end of the story like the dude in the book.

Kurtz ordered Kerry, who was by this time was driven almost insane by the knowledge that he was out of 8mm film and thus could not use the footage in his Presidential campaign, to be thrown in a dark hole full of rats, and then invited me to dinner and a chat.

At that meal Kurtz made me an offer I couldn't refuse: Shoot Kerry instead! Of course, seeing as how I never liked Massachusetts liberals, officers or sailors anyway, I agreed to do it! So Kurtz, thinking he'd write a different ending to The Heart of Darkness, took me back to the pit with Kerry and the rats and handed me back my Dread XSR -- The master rifle and the master assassin looked down at Kerry in the pit...

What happened next is a bit of a blur, Kerry seeing me aim the XSR at him while fighting off the rats at the same time yelled:

"The horror! The horror! Another JFK from Massachusetts assassinated by an expert marksman! Oh the horror! You should at least wait until I'm elected President!!"

Kurtz yelled into my ear, "Do it boy!"...And I would have too, except my foot slipped and I fell into the pit with Kerry and the rats.

When I hit bottom and landed on top of Kerry, who broke my fall, the XSR accidentally discharged and blew a hole in Kurtz wide enough to drive a Swift Boat thru. In the darkness I looked into Kerry's insane eyes he said:

"Brilliant move soldier, I'll personally see to it that you get a Bronze Star with Valor and I'll award myself another Silver Star for breaking your fall!"

I pulled out my K-Bar knife to cut Kerry's throat when voices above shouted, "CIA Mercenaries here! We've come to save Sergeant Ronbo and Lt. Kerry." Then a rope ladder appeared and we climbed up into the light....

I won't go into our adventures with the CIA guys -- or how we got out of Cambodia by way of Thailand, or the three week long party in Bangkok -- but at last we arrived back in the Philippines and before the General.

Kerry, the hero of the assassination of Kurtz and the OIC of the Mission That Never Happened, received a Silver Star with "V" for Valor -- and I received an Article 15 for assaulting an officer and fined $500, which paid the cleaning bill for getting Kerry's uniform muddy, although there was no charge for Kerry's medical bill as the military medicine is free.

Part II

In the "long version" of The Mission That Never Happened, Kerry calls Ronbo into the Swift Boat control room for a private conference with a nude Kerry who orders Ronbo to be camera man and director for his upcoming sexual adventures with the Playboy Bunny-Girls who will exchange sex for fuel for their helicopter (The Swift Boats and Hueys use the same type of fuel) so they can get back to Saigon and making mega bucks at MACV Headquarters.

Of course, by giving away one-half their fuel the boat will not be able to return to Vietnam after dropping off Ronbo.

Ronbo tells Kerry that it’s not good for discipline if the sailors see their commander running around buck naked and if he stars in a porno movie it will be bad for his upcoming presidential campaign.

Kerry puts on a mask and says, "Soldier, you are looking a new movie star -- Long John Silver! I mean how will the public know its me who is behind the mask? But they'll all say - 'Who is that masked man?' -- And be impressed with my large organ of maleness. Then stories will be told about my huge male organ and it will be world famous. Later when I run for president every woman in the country and a few men will vote for me and not understand the real reason why they did so. Soldier! The President of the United States is the Father of his country!"

Ronbo agrees -- but only if Kerry signs a waiver giving him exclusive rights over the soon-to-be filmed porno movie and the character of "Long John Silver"....Later Ronbo will continue his career as a smut king producer and become a millionaire, although the character of "Long John Silver" will be played by other actors, including an army veteran who later died of AIDS.


So with SOCOM adopting the FN SCAR rifle, the USMC sticking with the M16A4 and the US Army canceling the XM8 project ("This action has been taken in order for the Army to reevaluate its priorites for small caliber weapons, and to incorporate emerging requirements identified during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Government will also incorporate studies looking into current capability gaps during said reevaluation."), what does everyone think is next? Something in 6.8mm? A return to 7.62mm? Sharks with frickin' laser beams on thier foreheads? It seems a real possibility that 5.56mm is finally on the way out.


If the grunts in the field have their way: 5.56mm and 9mm would be out today with the M-16, M-243 and the Beretta.

The following article appeared in TIA (The Intellectual Activist) --

A Marine reports from Iraq

by an anonymous Marine

Hello to all my fellow gunners, military buffs, veterans and interested guys. A couple of weekends ago I got to spend time with my son.... [He] spent seven months at "Camp Blue Diamond" in Ramadi, a.k.a. "Fort Apache." He saw and did a lot. The following is what he told me about weapons, equipment, tactics and other miscellaneous information which may be of interest to you.

Nothing is by any means classified. No politics here, just a Marine with a bird's eye view's opinions.

• The M-16 rifle: Thumbs down. Chronic jamming problems with the sand over there, which is like talcum powder. The sand is everywhere. You feel filthy two minutes after a shower. The M-4 carbine version is more popular because it's lighter and shorter, but it also has jamming problems. Marines like the ability to mount the various optical gunsights and weapons lights on the picatinny rails, but the weapon itself is not great in a desert environment. They all hate the 5.56mm (.223) round. Poor penetration on the cinderblock structure common over there and even torso hits cannot be reliably counted on to put the enemy down. Fun fact: Random autopsies on dead insurgents shows a high level of opiate use.

• The M243 SAW (squad assault weapon) .223 cal: Big thumbs down. Drum-fed light machine gun. Universally considered a piece of s***. Chronic jamming problems, most of which require partial disassembly. That's fun in the middle of a firefight.

• The M9 Beretta 9mm: mixed bag. Good gun, performs well in a desert environment, but everyone hates the 9mm cartridge. The use of handguns for self-defense is actually fairly common. Same old story on the 9mm: bad guys get hit multiple times but are still in the fight.

The replacement for the M-16?

SOCOM M1A Review

Posted on M14/M1A Firing Line by "PapaFoxtrot:"

I just bought a new SA Socom 16, even though I tried to do a prudent amount
of research on the functional reliability of this rifle before buying, and came
up with few answers. It was a true impulse buy, which usually I regret. Not in
this case.

While I have earned a reputation for being a tough customer who
pulls no punches when I have been sold substandard goods, I will also give
credit when due. And in the case of this SOCOM, I am well pleased in almost
every single respect.

What I did since purchase: headspaced and lapped a new TRW bolt,
replacing the SA repro bolt shimmed the gas cylinder painted the stock earth
brown installed a Badger Ord op rod spring guide removed the scout rail,
replaced handguard (THIS is a rifle born to have irons. No glass, no batteries)

Here are my observations after a few days of ownership and a few
hundred (completely trouble-free) rounds:

The guys I bought it from are very cool, so they let me look
under the hood and pull the stock before deciding. Based upon the discovery of a
100% mint TRW trigger group and an excellent/mint USGI 1960's production SA op
rod (very tastefully etched "SOCOM 16") I bought it.

A pricey piece, at $1530 out the door. Ouch.

Sights - very nice, even with the super-fat front tritium post,
it is nearly like an H&K sight picture, which I like. My first shot out of
the box was 10 ring, dead point of was actually zeroed! (Though the
overall accuracy was not exceptional by any means, it possesses acceptable
practical accuracy and power.)

Handling - amazing. Extremely fast, secure, compact. Beautifully
balanced. Just sweet.
Functioning - 100% trouble free. Consistent feeding,
firing, ejection. (NOTE: I did not even fire a single round with the original
bolt, so I can not comment on ejection or roller related issues on this rifle.)

Recoil - soft as a 147 grain feather, but faster than standard

Noise - the standard M1A goes "boooooom", and the SOCOM goes

Practicality - after zeroing off the bench at 100 yards (which
was easy for a change), I shot this rifle almost exclusively from the standing
position, quickly engaging multiple targets from 15-50 yards. BIG grin. I
will guess that most SOCOM owners will actually carry this rifle in the field,
and shoot from field or "tactical" positions much more so than with any of the
standard length rifles.

handling, handling, handling!
apparently more quality control than anything else I have from SA
GI components
a valid concept after all (high-powered, maneuverable, kickass carbine)
serious fun factor

no chromed bore! Too bad...could have been a great all-weather, long barrel
life rifle
the GI elevation knob is a tired repark, but not a major flaw.


Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor -- and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me "to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness."

Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be -- That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks -- for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country previous to their becoming a Nation -- for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his Providence which we experienced in the tranquility [sic], union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed -- for the peaceable and rational manner, in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted -- for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed; and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which he hath been pleased to confer upon us.

And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions -- to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually -- to render our national government a blessing to all the people, by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed -- to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shewn [sic] kindness onto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord -- To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the encrease [sic] of science among them and us -- and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best.

Given under my hand at the City of New York
the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.

George Washington

You want me to count the number of references to God? How about just the first line? "Whereas, it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and to humbly implore His protection and favor." Let's see. One, two, three, four references in just that first clause. What a fanatic, George Washington! Just wanted you to hear that. That's the first Thanksgiving proclamation in 1789. The real story of Thanksgiving -- and by the way, the real story is continuing, what I just read to you. The thanks was given to God, not the Indians.

--Rush Limbaugh

Friday, November 11, 2005


In my travels on the Internet I’ve met more than one “Walter Mitty” who is most often a middle aged married male who dreams of past days of glory that never happened. One such individual is War Pig. A legend in his own mind, War Pig (WP) is a rare breed: a soldier and a scholar. I find his articles on a variety of subjects quite interesting, informative, rational and well written with complete fictional honesty.

WP has said that he's former Army and Marine Corps who began his career as a private and may have achieved Field Grade Officer status, perhaps a Major or Colonel. WP indicates that he retired from the military in the 1980s (He says his military career was 1965 to 1985) and then joined one of the Intelligence Agencies (WP says he was cleared for information well above the level of Top Secret early on in his military career) like CIA, NSA or DIA and worked in the Washington, D.C. area. He says his age is about 58 to 60 years. He says he is a good money manager and investor and lives in a comfortable upper Middle Class lifestyle. WP says he lives in Ohio but has also indicated that he lives now in a Southern State near the Gulf of Mexico (My guess best guess here is Alabama, Mississippi or Northern Florida) WP says that he is divorced after an unhappy marriage with a sociopath, but has a good relationship with his children.

During the Vietnam War WP says he served as a sniper. Also in that conflict he joined the elite and highly classified ISA (Intelligence Security Agency) and went on covert missions all over S.E.A. It would appear that during the invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001 and into early 2002 WP was asked to work his specialization again, and did so with deadly accuracy.

Why does WP hide his identity? He says that those of you who have not served in intelligence may not be aware that as part of obtaining a security clearance is signing a contract with the government in which you agree not to disclose classified information for a period of ___ (Fill in the blank 5, 10, 15 years or NEVER) and if you do so anyway, you may find yourself at risk for legal sanctions that include many years in federal prison.

AN AWESOME DUDE, and as we said in the Army, A real BTDT (Been There Done That) -- I'm sure you will agree that War Pig is a living legend after reading a sample of his well written scholarly articles gathered from several websites he posts regularly on.


I will happily match my service record against Kerry's any day. I hold the DSM, 2 Silver Stars, 2 Bronze Stars, 4 Purple Hearts and a piss-pot full of foreign and lower US decorations, to include being decorated by Britain, Australia and Denmark, as well as RVN and elsewhere.

What? No Medal of Honor? This was surely an oversight on the part of the Congress.

I am a rational anarchist. I do not trust government too far, not even Republicans.

I read an average of 6 books a week. Once per week trip to the local library, and I read everything on the Mensa website as well during the month.

I read half dozen online papers each day, on a rotating basis, from some 40 I have book-marked from all over the world.

I read Russian-language online papers.

I watch television less than 3 hours per day on average. More on weekends when science shows are clustered (NOVA, Nature, etc.). Mostly news and science/historical shows, along with an interesting military documentary here and there. You can learn as much from PBS or the Discovery channel as you can from a book. More, in many cases. I am beginning to listen to shortwave international broadcasts.

As for travel, cripes, I've kicked around
in a greater part of the planet. All over Europe (East and West, back in the day), the old Soviet Union (diplomatic attaché') Taiwan, Red China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei (met the Sultan once), Sumatra, Thailand (learned to drink cobra venom there), 'Nam, Cambodia, Burma (then), Australia, Shanghai, Philippines (under Marcos), Japan, Tahiti, Samoa, New Zealand, Canada, Alaska, Mexico, just about all the Central American countries, Columbia, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Guiana, Madagascar, sailed within sight of Antarctica when our ship rounded Cape Horn near Tierra del Fuego. All over sub-equatorial Africa, South Africa, Ethiopia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Yemen, Qatar, Turkey, Iran (but they didn't know it), Afghanistan (both when we were on the same side as Osama, and then after 9/11), Kuwait, Iraq (Saddam didn't know we were there), Lebanon, India, Pakistan. Bangladesh (before it was independent), Diego fucking Garcia in the middle of the Indian Ocean, Seychelles Islands (you can smell the cinnamon a hundred miles downwind at sea in harvest season), Sri Lanka and Malaysia.

I spent from a couple of weeks to a couple of years (Germany, etc.) in each of them. Oh, forgot Morocco. Most of them a few weeks to three months. Took R&R from 'Nam in Australia (hoopla!) and went back to train with the Aussie SAS later. Some closer countries I was almost constantly moving back and forth between two or three of them for a spell.

Just because I am a conservative, and support the military, doesn't mean I'm brainwashed. I choose my politics. My parents were both Democrats.

I was raised half and half in the White man's world and on the reservation
(I am biracial; Caucasian and Native American ).

I have seen most of the world. 80% of it blows dead skunks. I prefer America, politically and geographically. Unless you have traveled and seen how the average citizen lives in another nation (gotten away from the tourist areas and routes) you will not have the proper appreciation for the USA.

I am a patriot by choice and I spit on your definitions, while I and those like me (your betters) defend your right to make such asinine remarks.

I won't even ban you. I'm pretty sure WM would have.

But I won't allow absolute bullshit to pass without remark.

War Pig never allows ABSOLUTE bullshit to pass without notice. The article below explains War Pig's very interesting and patriotic background.

War Pig's Family Background:

Even my MOTHER wore army boots once. She met my dad during the Korean War. Dad was an airborne trooper of the 101st, Mom was a nurse. On a recondo mission during the war he had to watch his dead buddies be eaten by rats, as he could not chase them off and give away the team's position. I was in the Marines for 'Nam, then the Army for a career. My brother served in the Army. My uncle Howard in WWII was highly decorated under Patton's command. My dad's father tried to enlist in WWII, but since he was a farmer (and a good one) with minor children, and also had three brothers overseas, he was told to go home and grow food for the troops. Uncle Emmitt was a P-51 pilot in Europe, the women of the family during WWII almost all worked in aircraft factories. I have Army Rangers, Air Force bomber crews, intelligence people of all services, and Navy SEALS/UDT on both sides of my family.

You must be young and impressionable, Patriot. Let me tell you - the crackpot conspiracy theorists are a dime a dozen; hell, a hundred a penny on the Internet. If you had ever sat in on a few military courts-martial, you'd know just how absurd A Few Good Men is. I was a Marine (Viet Nam) before I was a Special Ops operator. I have been to Gitmo. The Marines don't run that way. Ask Ollie North, who panned A Few Good Men as a vehicle for Tom Cruise to keep himself in the public eye after Top Gun, which was yet another Hollywood farce which had little to do with reality.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Bill Cooper was a crock.

War Pig knows a crock when he sees one!

Haha. Doubt my heritage would allow that. On mom's side I am a Native American Indian, Blackfoot Tribe, with a slight dash of Irish. On dad's side I am German through and through. Dad's family came over just before the US civil war and settled in and around a mostly German/Dutch community in Ohio by name of Frankfort, in and near where much of my kith and kin still live.

That is St. George, the dragon slayer and patron saint of England, no? Formidable

This commentary from a dragon slayer and one AWESOME DUDE with more than a little Irish in him!

Not so. I used the weapons made of metal by the artisans of firearms, weapons and knife builders. I even make my own knives. I use old leaf springs from trucks (Lorries), and slowly grind them down to shape. I temper them in oil. They are not rust-proof, but they are scaldingly sharp and I keep them coated in light oil to prevent rust. I dip them in grape juice to color them instead of coating them in chemicals. Works like a charm.

Warriors are not much use without the weapons of war and the means to get to the war. WWII was won as much on the assembly lines as on the battlefront. American and British forces today are so successful because of the craftsmen who make and maintain their vehicles and weapons, and those who invent them.

Your trade is equally as important in war as in peace. I cannot say the same. Your trade and others like it fuel the economies and give us something worth defending. You don't need soldiers to do your job, protect you while you do it, maybe, but not to do it. We need people like you if we are to do our job efficiently or even at all. A soldier can only defend, we cannot build a nation

I'm very impressed. War Pig makes his own knives despite being a wealthy man and able to buy the best on the marketplace.

But I do believe in ghosts and astral projection or travel. When in 'Nam, a childhood friend appeared before me on patrol, dressed in her tribal clothing. She wagged her finger at me and pulled back some vegetation to show a trip wire, then disappeared. I carefully pulled the vegetation back myself and there it was, sure as shooting, devilishly concealed. Back home, people said she said she felt I was in danger and then she swooned and passed out at about that time. Upon regaining consciousness she reported that I had avoided a booby trap. We are spirit-joined, which I cannot really explain to outsiders.

You explain that one.

No thanks! I'll wait until the movie comes out.

Yeah, my family has ghost stories, too, which I think I have placed on this site somewhere.

Wartime is a strange time. A lot of very weird things happen in wars. People literally disappear in front of your eyes, and not from an explosion, either. I had a fellow get his head blown off in 'Nam by a mortar and it rolled in front of me. The eyes focused on me and the lips moved before the eyes glazed over. Scared the holy living shit out a very young Marine (me). I know WWII and Korean War vets who have some extremely strange tales to tell. Most old soldiers and sailors who have seen major combat have stories to tell of extremely strange things. A lot of it can be chalked up to stress, but a lot of it cannot.

War is strange. But War Pig's war stories are stranger than fiction.

I have a radical idea, but it just MIGHT work.

When you catch a crook in the act of committing a crime, shoot them on the spot. There can be no doubt they committed the crime when caught red-handed, so just save everyone the time and trouble and terminate them with extreme prejudice.

Allow all Britons to defend their homes with short-barreld coach guns (side-by-side, "sawed off" shotguns). A crook comes in, you cut him in half. With a broken door or window and a dead crook with burglary tools in his pockets, what more proof do you need? Justifiable killing. The police always announce themselves very clearly when they have to bang down a door, so there is no excuse for shooting them. Shoot a copper? Let the others hang you from the nearest lamp post as an abject warning to others.

I think killing hardened criminals is a good thing, useful to society, and a valuable skill. It saves untold piles of money and reduces the number of criminals by leaps and bounds.

If you arrest someone for a crime not caught in the act, then we need a trial to test the evidence and make sure we have the right man or woman. But get caught in the act of robbing a bank and you just don't have an excuse. Walking in to the wrong home while drunk is one thing, using a crowbar to enter with a sack to carry away the loot is another. The first deserves no more than a moderate stick-beating (to improve your memory of who's house is whose), the second deserves a shotgun blast to the belly followed by an agonizing death involving a lot of screaming and writhing. Small coins (like American dimes) placed in 12 gauge shotgun shells instead of buckshot have a most deleterious effect on the intestines and internal organs.

What original ideas on law enforcement! Elect War Pig president, or better yet dictator for life. I would hope in England.

Wednesday, November 9, 2005


The meeting between me and the agents of Caesar, the U.S. Secret Service, was set up in advance by my Pastor, William Lowry. The agents allegedly wanted to meet with me in order to "close my case" -- I found out instead that they wanted to meet with me every ninety days for an indefinite period.

The exchange lasted about 20 minutes and it took place in the main conference room of my Church. The persons present were I, Pastor William Lowry and two Secret Service agents; one male and one female. The dialogue was for the most part between me and the male agent, a man of about 35 years with a shaven head that indicates either excessive vanity or a personality disorder who I will call Kojak.

The female Secret Service agent was a blond and very attractive, about 30 years in age who largely remained silent and was likely wearing a recording device and carrying a small caliber gun on her person who I'll call Madonna. This was Kojak's bodyguard and witness for court should the need arise.

The interview opened with a five minute monologue by Kojak in which the reason for the meeting was changed from its original purpose of closing my case to a request for tri-monthly personal contact with the members of the Secret Service. It is interesting to note that it is a felony under federal law for a person interviewed by a federal agent to make false statements; unfortunately it is not a felony for agents to lie to the public.

When the Kojak finally fell silent, I launched into my standard argument about the reasons why I would never cooperate with the Secret Service (1) The massive violations of my constitutional rights at the outset of my case in 1994 (2) The fact that legally speaking my case ended on June 26, 2001. (3) The attempt by the Secret Service to have me placed illegally in a mental institution for life while a political prisoner at FCI BUTNER, North Carolina. (4) Secret Service harassment after my release from prison that resulted in me losing several good jobs. (5) The fact that the Secret Service has grown into a latter day Praetorian Guard that represents a clear danger to ordinary citizens and may present a challenge to those it is charged with protection as has been proven over many years of Secret Service oppressive and illegal actions.

Kojak then stated that he was not here to debate the merits of my case, but said that he believed it should be closed and that my threat status lowered. He related that I was a "Class III" individual: In SS Insider Language a "Class III" is deemed to be a high national security threat to the United States. To my best knowledge I am the only such person with this classification at large; the others are locked up in various federal prisons, high security mental institutions, or dead.

My response was to note once again that the SS had committed many offenses against my person including a vain attempt to have me illegally placed in a mental institution for life and injected with drugs that were designed to cloud my mind and perhaps to destroy my rational thought process. This type of treatment of a political prisoner has ominous parallels with the perversion of mental health care in the former Soviet Union where dissents were frequently injected with dangerous drugs in order to "cure" them of their dislike of communism.

Kojak responded that he was an "honest" cop who would never lie or commit illegal acts, and again that he was not at this meeting to debate the merits of my case, but thought that it would be best if I just went along with the program met with him every several months. He repeated his mantra once again that my case should be closed.

I could see by this point that Kojak was "stuck on stupid" so my response was to state the obvious: that the Secret Service by its actions against me over the last decade proved that it had declared war on me. Thus, my logical reaction was to accept the situation and to adopt a profile of active defense against the Secret Service. I went on to say that I have nothing personal against any member of the Secret Service, as indeed in the old days of the Cold War I had nothing against officers and agents of the Soviet KGB and GRU which were my opposition, but that I considered all Secret Service agents my enemies and members of a different army. I would take no offensive measures other than legal challenges and an active campaign in the Media. I noted that my case had much in common with THE DREYFES AFFAIR in France of about 100 years ago in which an innocent French officer was court martial and sent to Devil's Island because of perjury and other crimes committed against him by French investigators and judges, and I went on to say that there were many ominous parallels in my case and that of Captain Dreyfes who was freed because of the public outrage of the French people when the real facts of the case were at last published. I when on to conclude that if the details of my case were ever published in THE WASHINGTON TIMES or other major media outlet the resulting uproar would call in question the actions of the Secret Service and perhaps ruin the careers of many of its agents.

Kojak replied that he would be setting home and watching such a thing happen on FOX NEWS or CNN drinking a beer in his easy chair knowing that he was an "honest" cop who never told a lie and could never be indicted or sent to prison.

My response was to inform him that he could not use the color of law to escape his personal responsibility for illegal actions as it was a long established legal principle that when given a illegal order by a superior officer the subordinate did not have to carry it out: This important principle was established at the Nuremberg trial after WW II when the indicted German Secret Service officers attempted to use it as a legal defense. Hence the two SS agents had in my humble committed a felony in that they were both armed and did not receive express permission from the church to enter the property with guns. I would note that it has long been established that a church is the House of God and a Palace of Peace where all weapons are left outside the boundary of the church property.

Kojak then noted that I had not been cooperative with other Secret Service agents in the past and that one agent by the name of "Tom" had been the victim of an aggressive verbal attack launched by me. He repeated the mantra once again concerning his Eagle Scout level of honesty that concluded with the statement, "I would never lie in the Lord's House." This remark coming from a man who misrepresented the purpose of the meeting in order to get an interview with me that would have otherwise been impossible.

I informed the hopelessly delusional and ignorant Kojak once again that legally speaking my case was closed on June 26, 2001; that I served the required prison sentence; that I served out the three year Parole; that I had committed no crimes and obeyed the letter of the law without fail. I once again repeated my mantra that I considered Secret Service agents such as himself enemies that I viewed with the same contempt I viewed the KGB in the Cold War days when I was a soldier in Military Intelligence in Berlin. I end my diatribe with the remark, "You know I don't even consider you an American!"

Madonna gasped in shock. I suppose the truth can be shocking to certain individuals. I would hope my remark started her thinking about the wisdom of her career choice. I continued, "What you should do right now is to resign from the Secret Service." But if I had been more quick witted I would have also added, "And throw your guns and badges into the trash can. Go with Rev Lowry to the Chapel and confess your sins and throw yourself on the altar of Jesus Christ and be reborn."

I looked at my watch and the time was 2:30 P.M. The interview had lasted only about 20 minutes but it seemed much longer. I made an excuse and left in the conference room, but in truth I could have remained there much longer. I haven't talked to William Lowry yet about what happened after I departed. The Christian and the Romantic in me hopes that the Kojak and Madonna would have done as I have suggested, however, the Realist in me knows that these individuals have sold their souls to Satan for a paycheck, the federal Credit Union, free medical and dental, 401K plan and 30 days paid vacation a year.
But still you never know.
Related links:
Location of interview:
Worship Center
Center Pointe Community Church of the Nazarene
9580 Curry Ford Road Orlando, FL 32825407-384-9965
Phone 407-384-9975 Fax


The hate displayed recently by the Left for the Right is something not seen in this country since the era leading up to the Civil War of 1861 to 1865.

Please consider the following examples of this hatred and calls for violence by a random cross section of mainstream Leftist politicians, writers, entertainers and the rank & file.

It's become more and more apparent to me over the past five years that all the activism and non-violent protesting in the world will do precisely squat. When you're dealing with evil people who have no shame, the old rules of the game don't and, indeed, can't apply if you have any hope for success. Hundreds of thousands of people have marched, millions of letters have been written, tens of millions of votes cast, and hundreds of trillions of electrons expended pontificating on blogs...for nothing. Nothing has changed. Nothing will change. Not unless it comes in the form of something akin to the French Revolution.

We need terror. We need horror. We need the streets running awash in rivers of blood of these thugs and criminals and zealots. Activism didn't prevent 60,000 deaths in Vietnam. All the activism of the Civil Rights era has gotten African Americans precisely nowhere. Segregation may not be the law of the land anymore, but it's still the de facto state of America.


Repeated calls for the assassination and threats against President Bush by key Leftist politicians, writers and entertainers:

1. Senator Mary Landrieu

Sen. Mary Landrieu threatened the president of the United States with physical violence on Sunday, saying that if he or any other government official criticizes New Orleans police for failing to keep civil order in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina - "I might likely have to punch him - literally."

2. Al Franken

"And so basically, what it looks like is going to happen is that Libby and Karl Rove are going to be executed” because “outing a CIA agent is treason,” left-wing author and radio talk show host Al Franken asserted Friday night, to audience laughter, on CBS’s Late Show with David Letterman. Franken qualified his hard-edged satire: "Yeah. And I don't know how I feel about it because I'm basically against the death penalty, but they are going to be executed it looks like." Franken later suggested that President Bush is at risk of receiving the same punishment, since Karl Rove likely told him what he did, but he added a caveat: “I think, by the way, that we should never ever, ever, ever execute a sitting President."

3. Jane Smiley

"In a just world, Bush, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice, Feith and their underlings would be standing before a Senate committee investigating their catastrophic failures, and Packer's book would be Exhibit A." No. In a just world, these people would be taken out and shot."

4. Nicholson Baker

"In Nicholson Baker's new novella, Checkpoint, a man sits in a Washington hotel room with a friend and talks about assassinating President Bush.

It's a work of the imagination and no attempts on the president's life are actually made, but the novel is likely to be incendiary, as with Michael Moore's documentary, Fahrenheit 9/11."

President Bush deserves to die because he is Adolf Hitler reborn according to many elite Leftists who make statements like these:

Ah, yes, the reductio ad Hitlerum. Why meet a conservative with facts or logic when you can simply tar him with the Nazi brush? Thus we had Nancy Giles on the "CBS Sunday Morning show" sourly tying Rush Limbaugh's "edgy" radio manner to you-know-who's. "Hitler would have killed in talk radio," Giles declared. "He was edgy, too." Ellen Gray of the Philadelphia Daily News struck a similar note in commenting on "The Reagans," the canceled miniseries. "If Hitler had more friends," she told The Washington Post, "CBS wouldn't have aired [its Hitler miniseries] either."

Of course no one came in for more Hitler comparisons this year than George W. Bush. Third Reich references were practically a staple of antiwar rhetoric.

The president "is not the orator that Hitler was," acknowledges leftist commentator Dave Lindorff at "But comparisons of the Bush administration's fearmongering tactics to those practiced so successfully and with such terrible results by Hitler and Goebbels . . . are not at all out of line."

The following profanity laden commentary is from Democratic Underground, the premier mainstream Leftist website which documents daily the hatred of the Left for Americans whose major sin is that they stand for traditional Christian values and constitutional norms:

Let me first say, I'm not going to call anyone out.

DU'ers: What the fuck is wrong with you? It's one thing to be cynical, it’s another thing to be a "realist" but when you start spouting Repuke talking points while you whine about how "we wuz robbed" or "I'm not happy with the investigation" or "the prosecution was lame" or "It's over, we're screwed"

Bullshit. Why don't you at least learn everything you can about it before you make an ass out of yourself? You're freakin' out because there's only been one indictment? You think that means it's over?

For fuck's sake people, Fitzgerald once indicted 1 person in order to put pressure on the others, and ended up with 60 FUCKING INDICTMENTS!
Read the transcript from the press conference! Fitzgerald said several times that he's not done, he's going to get to the bottom of it, that he feels this is a very serious crime and he'll not rest until he can look anyone in the eye and say he did everything he could! He said that this crime PUT US ALL IN DANGER! The guy charged and prosecuted Gambino Mafiosos and Al-qaeda terrorists goddammit! You think he's going to let some traitorous domestic terrorists get away? FUCK NO!

If you don't want to help us by researching, writing letters, emailing stories and following leads, that's fine. But please, for the love of (insert deity), don't
provide aid and comfort to our enemy by taking the same position and regurgitating the same talking points!

STAY POSITIVE, STICK TOGETHER, WORK TOGETHER! The only way the pukes can win is if they divide us! That's what they've done in every election, and that's what's happening on this board!

The Repukes are in their 'last throes' Let's drop a holy smart bomb of truth on their lying greedy criminal fat anal-cyst crusted hypocritical fascist theocratic ASSES!

Trolls: FUCK YOU! You know you're fucked! That's why you're coming here to disrupt! Why don't you special ed. flunkies go to Iraq already and fight them there before they come to your house and steal your Nascar jacket and burn your confederate flag and nazi memorabilia. You're so insignificant, not even an IED would waste itself blowing you up.

I feel better now...I'm gonna drink one more beer and go to bed.

They're FUCKED.


And I don't want to turn on my TV without seeing ads telling the awful truth about Bush, and how his arrogance, mental-retardation, incompetence and illiteracy is killing the country and the world.

They're down. They're extremely vulnerable. Now's the time to kick them right in their nuts while they're down!

Finish them.

End them.

Kill them!

Winston_Smith_101 (21 posts) Mon Oct-31-05 03:18 PM

Response to Reply #46

61. Like Al Franken said

"Execute Bush, Cheney and the rest of those Fascist Pigs!"

The end result to this decades long verbal and written assault by the American Left ruling class can only end in violence, since the decision of the ballot box by a majority of their fellow countrymen is the rejection of the largely unstated Leftist dogma of socialism and atheism in favor of constitutionalism and Christianity. The Left worships the State; The Right worships God. There can be no compromise.

It is a fact of history that no ruling class has went quietly into the night. When in 1860 with the election of Lincoln as President, the South realized that the Southern domination of the Union was fast coming to an end and that their only recourse was separation from the Union and violence if that separation were opposed.

The contemporary situation runs on parallel tracks: a decades long increasingly bitter public debate that has been marked by numerous attempts at compromise and peaceful transfer of power on the part of a rising new ideology and renaissance of faith, the political ideology of capitalism combined with the moral force of Christianity, has meet a roadblock in the form of an atheistic and socialistic political, academic and governmental establishment.

The optimist wants to believe that this roadblock can be removed by peaceful and lawful means; the realist understands the cold hard truth that such diametrically opposed forces can only resolve their differences on the battlefield as was the case in the Civil War of 1861 to 1865, which many Christians believed was a terrible judgment of God against the nation for the sin of slavery.

How much worse is the collective guilt as a nation for the sin of abortion? At least the slave was granted life and could by his efforts hope to free himself from in his condition, but the dead have no recourse. Thus the sin of abortion that is nowhere listed as a civil rights of Americans in the U.S. Constitution and is a sin against law and God.

Thomas Jefferson when addressing the consequences of slavery in the United States said, "I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever: that considering numbers, nature and natural means only, a revolution of the wheel of fortune, an exchange of situation, is among possible events: that it may become probable by supernatural interference! The Almighty has no attribute which can take side with us in such a contest." --Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia Q.XVIII, 1782. ME 2:227

Jefferson could be speaking today about the issue of abortion which has claimed the lives over 30 million innocent Americans.

Indeed all Americans should tremble for the wrath of God in the form of civil war is terrible justice. Please mark the words of Shakespeare concerning an ancient Roman civil war that stands only a few years in the future for America. It will be a civil war without the benefit large standing armies fighting on battlefield but a war fought in neighborhoods, towns, villages, countryside and cities against a ruthless domestic enemy who will fight by means of bombings, assassinations and arson and all the other black arts of terrorism with the danger of a dictatorship of the Left or the Right as the outcome of conflict.

Domestic fury and fierce civil strife
Shall cumber all the parts of Italy;
Blood and destruction shall be so in use
And dreadful objects so familiar
That mothers shall but smile when they behold
Their infants quarter'd with the hands of war;
All pity choked with custom of fell deeds:
And Caesar's spirit, ranging for revenge,
With Ate by his side come hot from hell,
Shall in these confines with a monarch's voice
Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war;
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.