Thursday, March 9, 2006

A Sleeping Giant Awaken Filled With Rage Against Islam

By Anonymous

Seems like the last week or so has witnessed a new willingness, in parts of the mainstream media, to speak of a problem with Islam itself, not just with "extremists." Especially in the conservative media, but not only them. The crushing of Western free press by cartoon rage seems to have been an important turning point.

It Followed so quickly on the intifada in France a few months ago. Then there was the recent gruesome 3-week torture by Muslims of a French Jew, who finally died. And the increasing awareness that Europe is rapidly turning Muslim by immigration and reproduction. There is also the wave of rapes by Muslims in Europe, who say they deem unveiled European women to be asking for it. And of course a while back there was the murder, on behalf of Muslims, of the gay Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn when he proposed shutting down further immigration to Holland, because he didn't appreciate Muslim attitudes toward gays ("gays should be killed") and he objected to Muslim supremacist goals in general. The tolerant Dutch hadn't seen a political assassination for centuries. Then there was the virtual beheading of Vincent van Gogh's great grand nephew, filmmaker Theo. And more recently the Asian (Indonesian?) girls on the way to school, suddenly losing their heads to Muslim beheaders. And the Sudan genocide carried out by Muslims. And the Saudi police forbidding female Saudi students to escape from a burning building, where they died, because the Saudi police deemed them not properly attired to be seen in public. The fact that Iranian guards, seeking to carry out the death sentence for those convicted of capital crimes, were required by Islamic law first to rape the convicted person if she was a virgin, because Islamic law forbids capital punishment being inflicted on virgins. Never mind that the girls in question were not guilty of anything by civilized standards of justice. Then there is the unwillingness of the Turkish Muslims to acknowledge the Armenian genocide. And the latest evil cherry on top: The SUV jihadi in Chapel Hill, NC. And Steve Emerson's reports that 80% of mosques in the U.S. are infiltrated by Wahabi-Muslim hatred for the West. Oh, and Muslims in Beslan a while ago shooting fleeing children in the back. I haven't recounted 1/20th of the list of outrages.

This stuff rains down on us like a flood, and it's amazing we still haven't quite awakened. Yet it seems like a bit of a breakout moment. We are maybe now witnessing the penetration of a realistic awareness of Islam into significant portions of the mainstream intelligentsia. It is becoming harder to tar as racist those who denounce Islam as fascistic, since that is what it in fact is, if one just looks with a bit of thoroughness at the primary Muslim documents, listens openly to the arguments on all sides, observes the habits of majority-Muslim societies around the world, and if one doesn't rely blindly on what the Muslim apologists pretend.

As we contemplate Iran's activities and so much else that portends large world conflict, maybe we are waking from our naive American slumber -- from our even more naive European slumber -- in worlds that, by historical standards, have been remarkably sheltered for decades from the terrors of war and history, and drowning in a prosperity unlike anything known before to humanity, free from famine, free from poverty such as it was in all past times, freed by modern science and health care from so many of the agonies and tragedies fragile human flesh has endured from time immemorial -- in the midst of all this we have been lulled by unprecedented levels of comfort and ease. So that our peoples have difficulty imagining things are all that different anywhere else, and forget large parts of the world are not yet civilized, (if 'civilization' means the group does not crush the individual and social processes are continually critiqued by free discussion.) Nor have those large, still barbarous parts of the world yet learned, to the fortunate extent the West and civilized friends of the West have learned, how to turn swords into ploughshares. But we are being forced now to wake, and ever so slowly we are discovering a grim sense of realism akin to what our grandparents evinced when they confronted the malignant barbarianism of the 1940s.

Now warlike Athena, inspirer of the wisdom of the brilliant Greeks; now the divine Christ of love and freedom; now Moses of the law; now Copernicus, Galileo and Newton; now every one of the million Hindu gods and of the countless Bodhisattvas; now all those hidden forces aligned with civilization; they stir anew and urge us to protect our children and the future from that psychotic and tyrannical moon god, god of death as dead as the moon, as dead as the Arabian desert; the moon god who spoke even in the formulaic abstractions that by hidden paths into Western science not long ago pretended to exhaust ‘dead’ matter’s laws and to set up a determinism forbidding the existence of free will; moon god who decreed the death of the image, iconoclast, Jehovah-imposter, who like Jehovah broke the idols and images, but unlike him, saw smashing not as prelude to rebirth and continual transformation; rather as eternal closure, to outlaw the descent into man, from the heavens, of the transforming agent, imagination, which is the repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of creation in the infinite I Am. This was forbidden by the same moon god who commanded instead the abstract arabesque, and spoke to Mohammed of submission, and who to this day marshals forces for the end of earthly evolution, and for the sake of removing, to his own impoverished and vacuous realm, those whose misfortune it is to succumb to him until the war is won.

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