Luke Esser, Chairman
For Immediate Release
March 17, 2008
State Democrats Launch Personal Attack Against Rossi
Gov. Gregoire & Democrat Leaders Should Publicly Reject The Attack
Tukwila, WA - The Washington State Democratic Party sunk to a new low last week when they began launching personal attacks against Dino Rossi. State Democratic Party spokesman Kelly Steele referred to Rossi as a “sleazy politician” in an article published in The Chronicle on Friday, March 14th.
Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama last week rejected the use of these personal attacks. He wrote last Friday in a column entitled On My Faith and My Church: “I also believe that words that degrade individuals have no place in our public dialogue…”
“Perhaps the Washington State Democratic Party should follow the advice of the man who most likely will be at the top of their ticket and stop these personal and degrading attacks,” said Washington State Republican Party Chairman Luke Esser. “Is this how Christine Gregoire plans on running her campaign? If not, Gov. Gregoire and the leadership of the State Democratic Party should publicly reject these negative campaign tactics which were launched by an official party spokesperson.
“The Washington State Republican Party has and will continue to be very critical of Gov. Gregoire’s job performance. But there is a big difference between debating the issues and launching personal attacks. Comments like those by Mr. Steele on behalf of Gov. Gregoire and the State Democratic Party are unnecessary, uncivilized and should not be tolerated by either side.”
Paid for by the Washington State Republican Party. 16400 Southcenter Parkway, Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98188.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. www.wsrp.org
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