Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Paul Kimmell: Friend to Whitman County

From last Thursday's Whitman County Gazette:
Avista Foundation helps library project

Nancy Lintvedt, Colfax, holds a $10,000 check to the Friends of the Whitman County Library from the Avista Foundation for the capital improvement project to make the library more ADA compatible. Paul Kimmell, right, Avista manager for the Palouse area, represented Avista. Library Director Kristie Kirkpatrick is at left. Lintvendt, who uses a walker, has written letters in support for the new library renovations that would make it possible for handicapped residents to get to all three levels of the library.
Paul Kimmell, a former Latah County Commissioner and former executive director of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce, has proven to be a real friend to Whitman County. I'm sure he had a hand in getting this check cut from Avista.

In January, Paul was present during the public hearings held by the Whitman County Commissioners on the infrastructure bond for the Hakwins project. Through his involvement with the Greater Moscow Alliance, I'm convinced Paul played a major role in getting the Moscow City Council to drop its appeals of Hawkins water rights and subsequent offer to sell water and sewer services to Hawkins.

Recently, when Whitman County solicited public comment for a new Revenue Development Area that includes the Hawkins development, Paul wrote, "...please know I wish you much success with your efforts."

Paul Kimmell defines a good neighbor, and gives me hope for continued cross-border cooperation on the Palouse.

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