Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Change"? - Obama selects orthodox Jew, fanatical Israel-firster, warmonger, and son of a Zionist terrorist Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff Nov 2008EURONEWS.US, Derek Bargeld – Americans are mostly still in the dark when it comes to understanding American politics and the fraud that is our government. The worst part is that the answers are out in the open for those who are able to think independently and evaluate what is going on. However, as long as the media still keeps the minds of Americans in the dark, they will not awaken.Yesterday, we saw President-Elect Obama make his first selection for his cabinet. The first selection by a president-elect should show to whom he owes his allegiance. Who does he wish to thank for his presidency? Obama chose Rahm Emanuel. This is a strikingly odd choice for someone who wishes to change the American way of governing and international relations.Emanuel is a Jewish extremist who has pushed for continuing war in the Middle East until all arab nations are changed into American Democracies. This is the policy that led Bush from a 90% approval rating down to a 20% approval rating and being commonly regarded as one of the worst presidents in history.Emanuel’s family history shows that his father was part of a Jewish terrorist group who fought the British in Palestine [the "Irgun"] . In an interview with Ma’ariv, Emanuel’s father said, “Obviously he will influence the president to be pro-Israel. Why wouldn’t he be? What is he, an Arab? He’s not going to clean the floors of the White House.”Emanuel recently wrote a book which outlines his extreme support for Israel and plan for America to bring more troops to the Middle East. Here is what one reviewer on Amazon wrote:
It is amusing to have Rahm Emmanual write a book on saving the United States, when his first allegiance is to Israel. He is a proponent of the neo-con plan to reconfigure the Middle East, including attacking Iran (or, as Hillary Clinton, his partner in crime, would say, “Obliterate Iran”). He supports attacks on Syria, Lebanon, the continued occupation of Iraq, the refusal to allow a viable Palestinian state to exist, and the impending attack on Iran: all for the “survival” of Israel.In the process, America is weakened, open to more extremist attacks, and its men and women are dying or losing limbs.Rahm is an orthodox Jew, his parents are citizens of Israel: All of which would be fine if they didn’t use America as a puppet for Israel’s ultimate super power status in the Middle East.Rahm is a traitor. He will sell — and is selling out — our country for Israel.

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