The synagogue of Satan is intent on nothing less than the destruction of the earth.
Scientists Begin To Whisper The Unthinkable: Complete Annihilation
By: Sorcha Faal
April 11, 2009
What Does It Mean
“First, the frogs began disappearing, with as many as 122 species becoming extinct worldwide since 1980. Then honeybee colonies began to collapse. Scientists fear that bats might be next”, begins the Washington Post News Services’ shocking report that the mysterious disease killing bats in the United States has, for the first time, hit in their Southern regions where between the States of Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama are held some of the largest populations of hibernating bats on Earth.
This dire report further states that scientists are beginning to whisper the unthinkable: complete annihilation of some species, such as Dr. Thomas Kunz, an ecologist and bat expert at Boston University, who warns that “If this continues to spread, we are talking about extinctions. I've studied bats for 44 years. This is unprecedented in my lifetime. It's not alarmist. These are just the facts.”
To the greatest danger, though, of this latest catastrophe to befall our World is its occurring at the exact same time as the near wholesale extinction of honey bees due to what is being called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) and that is currently sweeping the Globe with Japan being the latest Nation to report being hit by this mysterious disease.
Not being understood by the Western peoples about these mass extinctions is that they are hitting our Earths major pollinator and insect eating species, and which without their being a part of our environment, would radically alter our entire World’s ecosystem leading to cataclysmic loss of life on a scale unprecedented in human history.
Most shocking, however, of these latest events, is how long they have been occurring, and their true causes, without the Western governments either informing their citizens of the dangers they are facing, or even worse, taking those actions needed to avert the deaths of billions of human beings.
As we had reported last year in our March 26, 2008 report “Fears Grow Over ‘Catastrophic’ US Biosphere Collapse”, and wherein we had stated:
“Scientists from the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (RAAS) are reporting in the Kremlin today of the ‘imminent and catastrophic’ collapse of the United States agriculture sector due to the rampant, and unforeseen, consequences relating to rapidly mutating genetically modified strains of crops inundating their biosphere.
These reports detail that the first casualties of mass biosphere genetic poisoning will always occur first in plant pollinators, and which has been confirmed as occurring in the United States, and as we can read as reported by the BBC News Service:
"A mystery illness that has scientists baffled is wiping out tens of thousands of bats across the north-east of the US."
"The pollination of crops by bees is responsible for a third of the food produced in the US. One in every three mouthfuls has been touched by their tiny feet; but our six-legged friends are in trouble.
They are getting sick and leaving their hives. Without bees, food gets more expensive - some products could disappear altogether. Colony collapse disorder (CCD) emerged last year, and by spring 2007 bees were dying in huge numbers - over the year as a whole the total bee population fell by 30%.
Some beekeepers lost closer to 90%, and the fear is it will get worse. Beekeeper Gilly Sherman says: "It's worse than last year, and last year was worse than the year before, so it's bad, and there are a lot of good big beekeepers that are having a lot of problems.
"I think we're coming in for a big train wreck."
Even more disturbing, these reports continue, is that this genetic poisoning appears to have now hit mammal populations in the US, with their State of Minnesota, one of America’s leading agriculture States, and the third largest planters of genetically modified crops in America, now reporting that the moose population in their northeastern regions are dying in record numbers and nearing extinction, and which is the area of that State most concentrated with these mutant crops.
How critical this situation in the United States has become is stated in a report by US Center for Food Safety, and which says, "It has been estimated that 70-75 percent of processed foods on supermarket shelves--from soda to soup, crackers to condiments--contain genetically engineered ingredients."
One could reasonably expect that a Nation facing such a catastrophe as the United States with the destruction of its biosphere would begin to rapidly eliminate such a disaster from devastating their own citizens, except to note that these Western Nations are becoming so vile that this very week, in the United Nations, they actually declared ‘victory’ when a resolution declaring water as a ‘human right’ was defeated.”
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