The infamous faked display table at Buchenwald with shrunken heads and "human skin lampshade"

Origin of the "evidence" - Albert G. Rosenberg of the Allied "Psychological Warfare Division"
Albert G. Rosenberg, The American Lieutenant in charge of documenting Buchenwald (where the shrunken heads came from), was from the Psychological Warfare Division of the Allied Forces.
"Psychological Warfare Division." That's a strange name for a department that's going to document a concentration camp for future generations isn't it? The Lieutenant in the PWD was Albert G. Rosenberg. Even though he was only in his late 20's at the time, he had a rare special pass called a "SHAEF Pass", which gave him the power to confiscate the posh villa belonging to Baldur Von Schirach, who had been the wartime mayor of Vienna and also the leader of the Hitler Youth. Rosenberg lived in the villa with 12-15 former Buchenwald inmates and the team wrote-up a documentation of the camp. Most of the former inmates were communists, led by a non-communist Austrian Catholic named Eugen Kogon. Kogon compiled the report while Albert Rosenberg supervised the overall project. One could say that the documentation of Buchenwald is largely a story of liberated communists working in a posh villa, under the supervision of a Jewish Psychological Warfare Division Lieutenant who had emigrated to the USA from Germany just seven years earlier. Objectivity you can count on. 1
Shrunken Head and Human Skin Lampshade "Evidence" Presented at Nuremberg
From a Transcript of the Nuremberg Trial Proceedings via Yale Law School (see approx. 60% down page for excerpts below, following section numbers for 514 and 515)
Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Volume 3
Thursday, 13 December 1945
Morning Session
13 Dec. 45
The corpses were then turned over to the pathological department where the desired pieces of tattooed skin were detached from the bodies and treated. The finished products were turned over to SS Standartenfuehrer Koch's wife, who had them fashioned into lamp shades and other ornamental household articles, I myself saw such tattooed skins with various designs and legends on them, such as "Hansel and Gretel," which one prisoner had on his knee, and designs of ships from prisoners' chests. This work was done by a prisoner named Wernerbach."
13 Dec. 45
We do not wish to dwell on this pathological phase of the Nazi culture; but we do feel compelled to offer one additional exhibit, which we over as Exhibit Number USA-254. This exhibit, which is on the table, is a human head with the skull bone removed, shrunken, stuffed, and preserved. The Nazis had one of their many victims decapitated, after having had him hanged, apparently for fraternizing with a German woman, and fashioned this terrible ornament from his head.
The last paragraph of the official United States Army report from which I have just read deals with the manner in which this exhibit was acquired. It reads as follows:
"There I also saw the shrunken heads of two young Poles who had been hanged for having relations with German girls. The heads were the size of a fist, and the hair and the marks of the rope were still there."
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- The Nuremberg Kangaroo Trials
- WWI Anti-German Propaganda - false atrocity stories of "bayoneting babies", "making soap from corpses of their dead soldiers", etc
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