CALLER "John" from Franklin, New York: "Good morning. I for one am sick and tired of all these Jews coming on C-SPAN and other stations, and pushing us to go to war against our Muslim friends.
They're willing to spend the last drop of American blood and treasure to get their way in the world. They have way too much power in this country. People like Wolfowitz and Feith and the other neocons that Jew'd us into Iraq...and now we're going to spend the next sixty years rehabilitating our soldiers. I'm sick and tired of it."
Michael Scheurer: "I think that American foreign policy is eventually up to the American people. One of the big things we have not been able to discuss in this country for the last thirty years is our policy towards the Israelis.
Whether we want to be involved in fighting Israel's wars in the future is something that Americans should be able to talk about. They may vote yes. They may want to see their kids to be killed in Iraq or Yemen or somewhere else to protect Israel, but the question is, we need to talk about it. Ultimately, Israel is a country of no particular worth to the United States, strategically, they have no resources we need, their manpower is minimal, their association with us is a negative for the United States - now that's a fact. What you're going to do about that fact is entirely different; but for anyone to stand up in the United States and say that our support for Israel doesn't hurt us in the Muslim world, or our support for Hosni Mubarack's dictatorship doesn't hurt us, is just to defy reality."
Scheuer on the power and influence of the Jewish lobby on the US Government:
Michael Scheuer entered into the controversy surrounding the Mearsheimer and Walt paper on the "Israel Lobby". He said to NPR that Mearsheimer and Walt are basically right. Israel, according to Scheuer, has engaged in one of the most successful campaigns to influence public opinion in the United States ever conducted by a foreign government. Scheuer said to NPR that "They [Mearsheimer and Walt] should be credited for the courage they have had to actually present a paper on the subject. [1]
Flashback: Jewish-Zionist control of U.S. Government confirmed by preeminent political scholars John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt
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