Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Patty Murray: The Stupidest Person In America

Ann Coulter follows up on yesterday's interview with a column.
Murray, whose college major was "recreation," got her start in politics fighting to save her own useless government job.

The laughably apocryphal story she tells is that she was told by some crusty old male politician, still unnamed decades later: "You're just a mom in tennis shoes -- you can't make a difference!" (You know how politicians love gratuitously insulting their constituents.)

This stuck in Murray's craw and so, filled with righteous anger, she ran for state office and won as a "mom in tennis shoes."

The real story is that Murray was teaching a "parenting" class at a community college, which no one was taking, so the state decided to cut it. Murray's reaction was, "Wait -- I'm a public employee! You have no right to fire me!"

She wasn't a parent upset that her child's school was dropping an art history class. She was a deadbeat public employee who didn't want her job cut. No one was taking her course, but she thought taxpayers should be required to pay her salary anyway.

Fighting to keep your own cushy job isn't a point of principle; it's evidence of a narcissistic personality disorder. 

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