Cotillard's 9/11 Comments Echo Widely-Respected Experts, Public Opinion
Attack dog media attempts to isolate and ridicule French actress by hiding the fact that hundreds of other widely respected experts, as well as the majority of the public, agree with her
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, March 3, 2008
A smear campaign against Oscar-winning French actress Marion Cotillard is now in full swing, with the establishment media attempting to hide the fact that her comments about 9/11 echo the sentiment of hundreds of widely-respected intelligence and scientific experts in addition to public opinion.
Cotillard's statements about the suspicious collapse of the WTC buildings mirror those of a 20-year Marine Corps infantry and intelligence veteran.
In February 2007, 20-year Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer, the second-ranking civilian in U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence, and former CIA clandestine services case officer Robert Steele went on record as saying that, "Dick Cheney saw this as a gift of heaven, and organized the 9-11 exercises so as to have complete operational control of the U.S. government, and he "let it happen."
Steele also directly accused WTC complex leaseholder Larry Silverstein of having advance knowledge of the attacks and rigging the WTC towers and Building 7 with demolition charges, "In order to clear the area for rebuilding and get the $7 billion in insurance money."Marion Cotillard basically echoed Steele's sentiment when she stated, "It (the WTC complex) was a money-sucker because they were finished, it seems to me, by 1973, and to re-cable all that, to bring up-to-date all the technology and everything, it was a lot more expensive, that work, than destroying them."
By dredging up statements made by Cotillard over 12 months ago, the spin doctors had hoped to isolate and ridicule the actress and make an example out of her while debunking 9/11 truth at a point in time where the official story holds about as much credibility as a used car salesman.
But the move will undoubtedly backfire because the establishment has failed to account for the fact that the majority of Americans and indeed global citizens doubt the official 9/11 story.
An October 2006 New York Times/CBS poll found that a paltry 16% of Americans thought the government was telling the truth about 9/11 and the intelligence prior to the attacks, meaning 84% doubted the accuracy of the official story.
A May 2006 Zogby poll found that over 70 million Americans supported a new investigation into 9/11 and less than half of the American public trusted the official 9/11 story or believed the attacks were adequately investigated. The figure supporting a new investigation rose to 51% of Americans in a September 2007 poll.
In addition, the same poll found that 67% also faulted the 9/11 Commission for not investigating anomalous collapse of World Trade Center 7.
As far back as August 2004, another Zogby poll established the fact that half of New Yorkers believe there was government complicity in 9/11.
The media is attempting to smear Cotillard as an anti-American French nutcase by making out that doubting the official 9/11 story is some kind of poisoned chalice and tantamount to holocaust denial. The fact is that the 9/11 cover-up is so out in the open that most people with two brain cells to rub together know it's a con.
Cotillard is not going off on a mad tangent and endangering her career, she is merely saying what the majority of other people think.
Newspaper Fakes Story Of Actress' "Apology" Over 9/11 Comments
Despite hyperbole and media-contrived "anger" after statements, Cotillard will not apologize for expressing viewpoint held by majority of Americans
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, March 3, 2008
Oscar-winning actress Marion Cotillard has refused to yield to a non-existent media-manufactured "outrage" and recant her comments about 9/11, as some newspapers falsely claim that she has "apologized" for discussing the collapse of the WTC complex and sharing doubts about the official story held by the majority of Americans.
Under the headline, Marion Cotillard U-turns on 9/11 conspiracy, the London Telegraph claims that the French actress has been, "Forced into an embarrassing climb-down after accusing America of fabricating the 9/11 attacks."
In actual fact, Cotillard merely said that she regretted the fact that the comments had been taken out of context by the media, and in a London Times report re-affirms her original statements.
"The actress's agent, Bastien Duval, told The Times that Cotillard, who charmed the crowd with her emotional acceptance speech after winning her Oscar, was "still in shock" at the angry reaction to her comments in the United States," reads the report.
But the newspaper fails to point out where such anger is being expressed aside from Internet comments made by New York Post readers - a notorious Neo-Con rag read by a combination of unsophisticated meat-heads and vacuum-headed celebrity gossip junkies.
Duval also told The Times, "She hopes that the Americans will have enough distance to understand, but her career is not just American. She can make films everywhere."
Which is basically a big "f**k you" to the media-generated controversy about comments made a year ago, and a response to the holier-than-thou attitude of the minority who still cling on to the fairy tale of the official government version of 9/11.
For the Telegraph to claim that Cotillard "apologized" and backed down on her stance is a completely manufactured story. They have cherry picked and cropped a segment of a quote about the media taking things out of context and, low and behold, taken it out of context!
The establishment tried a similar dirty trick a year after Charlie Sheen went public on his 9/11 doubts - making it appear as if he had recanted when in actual fact he stood by his position all along.
To re-iterate, the fact that Cotillard expressed a sentiment that is shared by the majority of Americans, along with hundreds of intelligence experts, former Presidents and the Parliaments of major countries, does not make for a controversy - it only highlights how contrived this whole spectacle really is - and how dumb the smear machine is for failing to employ a crude debunking tactic and succeeding only in placing 9/11 truth back in the public arena.
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