Friday, November 7, 2008

Austrian right-wing populist Jörg Haider assassinated?

I am not stating that Haider was, in fact, assassinated. But I'm definitely suspicious of the official story. "Far-right" parties had just gained substantial support in Austrian government in the recent September 2008 elections, and there were movements within the parties to resist and possibly get out of the European Union, expose the Holocaust Hoax, and talking about severing ties with the Jewish state of "Israel." Israel had taken a hard stance against Haider, and Mossad was spying on him.Haider had also just recently made strong public comments against the "banking mafia" in regards to the current economic crisis. Haider may have been seen as a "threat" as far as becoming an influential leader to arise out of the economic meltdown. Joerg Haider Dead: Accident or Mossad hit?Analysis: Israel's hard line against Haider
"We here in Israel, and I believe the whole of the Jewish people, will never be able to accept a kind of no-response or not tough enough response to the emergence of neo-Nazi figures and parties into the leadership of Western Europe," Mr Barak said.
Mossad spied on far-right Austrian
THE ISRAELI secret service spied on Jörg Haider, the right-wing Austrian populist, using one of his closest aides to gather information on his contacts with Arab dictators. Peter Sichrovsky said that he had been a Mossad informant for five years until retiring from politics in 2002.
The end of Austrian-Israeli relations?
Sep 28, 2008 "Sunday's Austrian election could mean a break in diplomatic relations between Israel and Austria if extreme right-wing parties enter a coalition government.
Analysis:Mossad assassinates Austrian right-wing populist Jörg Haider
"Like JFK and Benazir Bhutto, Jörg is summarily executed for pissing off Israeli Zionists for the myriad of reasons, such as the "problematic" circumstance of political relations.[...]The death of Jörg Haider-- to deprive Austria of its "natural destiny" by the intervention of the intelligence thugs on behalf of the foreign power -- is most certainly a successful assassination operation by Mossad agents."
Jorg Haider Assassinated
The TimingThe world's economies are imploding, and as people become angry, they look for solutions. Haider was openly blaming the Zionist world bankers, and his audience base just exploded.
UPDATE: Jews monitoring "anti-semitic" blogs for take on Haider's death
Israel Blamed for Death of Austrian Nazi Sympathizer October 14, '08by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu( Anti-Semites had a field day Sunday, blaming Israel's Mossad intelligence agency for the traffic accident in which Austria's Nazi sympathizer leader Joerg Haider was killed on Saturday.Austrian police said he was driving his car at breakneck speed when it veered off a road and overturned several times, causing fatal chest and head injuries. His Future of Austria party won 30 percent support in elections last month after a campaign in which he promoted his anti-immigration policies. His past speeches have included praise for the Third Reich and comments that Nazi concentration camps were actually "disciplinary camps." However, anti-Semitic bloggers immediately spread the word that Israel actually engineered the accident.

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