And even though ~99% of the British public is against it -- just like the bailout bill among the American people -- the Jewish Establishment will ram it down their throats, not even going through the least bit of time or trouble to "sell" it to the public in order to give the pretense that "We the People" have absolutely any say whatsoever in the rule of our nations. We are now living under open despotism.
http://www.dailyexpress.co.uk/posts/view/64725SPIES WILL TAP INTO ALL EMAILS AND CALLS Monday October 6,2008 By Macer Hall Political Editor
ALL telephone calls, emails and text messages in Britain will be monitored under new Government snooping plans.A £12billion identity database at the GCHQ spy centre could even log every website visited by computer users nationwide. Hundreds of bugging probes will be installed in the telephone system and computer networks to monitor communications traffic. GCHQ has already been handed £1billion of taxpayers’ cash to begin developing the database. After the top-secret plans were leaked yesterday critics accused the Government of stalking the public. Michael Parker of anti-identity card group No2ID said: “It is a shocking intrusion into privacy. This is stalking. If an individual carried out this sort of snooping, it would be a crime.” Shadow Home Secretary Dominic Grieve said the proposal marked “a substantial shift in the powers of the state to obtain information on individuals”. And after a series of embarrassing security blunders including the loss of child benefit records for every family in the country, he questioned Whitehall’s competence to keep such data. He said: “Given the Government’s poor record on protecting data and seeing how significant an increase in power this would be, we need to have a national debate and the Government would have to justify its need.” The plan for the biggest surveillance system in British history is being spearheaded by GCHQ director Sir David Pepper. It is currently classified as top secret and is being developed under the title: Interception Modernisation Programme. The aim is to set up a “live tap” on every electronic communication in the country. At present, security service MI5 carries out limited monitoring of email exchanges and internet use. Ministers have been told that the latest computer technology lays the grounds of a massive expansion of monitoring. The database is likely to be centred at GCHQ’s famous “doughnut”-shaped spy centre in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Further details will be released when the Government’s legislative programme is announced in the Queen’s Speech in December. The plan is even more ambitious than the Identity Cards scheme being gradually introduced by the Government at a cost of £5billion. While a final decision has yet to be taken, ministers are understood to have agreed to the move “in principle”. Supporters of the scheme claim it will help combat terrorism, computer fraud and internet-based paedophile rings. [...]
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