Friday, November 7, 2008

Integration of South American Nations into a "Union of South American Nations" In Progress; Creation of Regional System of Legal Issues Underway{66618FDA-9672-4E92-A9D2-61DF58D48D67})&language=ENUNASUR Moves to Regional LegislationCaracas, Oct 4, 2008Latin American News Agency(Prensa Latina) Experts of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) took the firststeps to create a regional system in legal issues, as part of the integration process that is currently in progress.In three days of meetings at the 3rd UNASUR Judicial Power President Summit, the participants achieved agreements in issues as extradition, exhortation, alternative mechanisms to solve conflicts and exequatur. The final statement of the meeting held in Margarita Island, in the Venezuelan Caribbean, highlighted the need to establish mechanisms to facilitate extradition and create center for conciliation and arbitration to make progress in the regional project.Brazilian, Paraguayan, Chilean, Peruvian, Panamanian, Uruguayan and Venezuelan Judicial Power presidents debated an extensive spectrum of issues, which included the need to sign protocols to unify sentence proceedings.The proposal of a regional center for conciliation and arbitration was presented by Colombia and Chile, reported Peruvian Supreme Court President Francisco Tavara, who supported his country's initiative.The objective is to create an institution to resolve controversies that might emerge when implementing cooperation programs, as contracts for large public infrastructure works and others.Paraguayan Supreme Court President Victor Manuel Nuñez defended the signing of protocols to unify the proceedings for foreign sentences in national spheres.UNASUR needs to be agile in dealing with international problems, and its concept of integration has to be extensive and global, and in this respect, we share the integrationist idea, he said.The meeting was led by Venezuelan Supreme Court of Justice President Luisa Estela Morales, with participation of President Hugo Chavez.Morales explained that the Summit was summoned to pave the way to cooperation among regional countries and avoid hindrances that could arise to achieve a true unity in justice administration.The first meeting of this kind was held in Chile in 2007 and the second was held in Peru in 2008.

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