The important point Christopher Jon Bjerknes validates in the article below is the burning desire of Jewry to exterminate all non-Jews. When reading Christopher Jon Bjerknes' article, though, keep in mind that modern-day "Jews" are
NOT the descendants of the Israelites of the Old Testament. Also, the Old Testament does not state that
"Jews" are "God's Chosen People." Rather, it says the
Israelites are His Chosen People. The term "Jew" is a modern term not even used until the 17th or 18th century. The Jews are impostors and counterfeits (like Satan their father), trying to usurp the position of the
true Israelites. And the Old Testament scriptures Bjerknes is citing do not support any such "genocide" of all non-Israelites -- but rather are being twisted (as laid down in the Talmud) by Jewry to suit their own agenda.
http://jewishracism.blogspot.com/2008/10/jewish-desire-to-exterminate-non-jews.htmlThe Jewish Desire to Exterminate Non-JewsChristopher Jon BjerknesVoltaire said of the Jews,
"They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race."--Voltaire as quoted in A.Gould, What Did They Think of The Jews?, Jason Aronson Inc., New Jersey, (1991), p. 90. Gould cites: "Voltaire, Lettres de Memmius a Ciceron, 1771, in The French Enlightenment, p.300"
I have been asked to provide support for my statement in a previous blog,
"...do not dare doubt the authenticity of the Old Testament, which promises the Jews a Gentiless world of their own. The extermination of the hated Goys is what Jewry are up to and that is what they are about to accomplish if you let them."
I was referring to such Old Testament prophecies and promises as Psalms 2; 72, Isaiah 11:4; 42:1, and Jeremiah 33:15-16, which state that the Jewish King will receive God's support to exterminate the Goyim. Note that I am not referring to Christian interpretations of such passages, but to Jewish beliefs, which are very different from Christianity. The Old Testament frequently states that Jews are the Chosen People and are God's People, and that to follow God is to be a Jew.The Old Testament frequently states that those who do not follow God, that is those who are not Jews, shall perish forever, for example in Isaiah chapters 65 and 66.Cabalah and the Talmud did not arise in a vacuum, rather they are Jewish commentaries on the Old Testament, and we must judge what the Old Testament means to Jews by listening to what Jews have written and said about it. The Jews have long known that God will not come down and create the Gentiless "new heavens and a new earth" (Isaiah 65:17). The Jews also hold to the notion that they are the "elect" (Isaiah 65:9), the "Chosen" (Deuteronomy 7:6), and this is most clearly stated in the Jewish books of Enoch, which are apocryphal, but which evince Old Testament genocidal intent. Only the "elect" will survive into the new world the Jews are busy building.
Jews believe that they are God, and therefore must fulfill these messianic prophecies themselves. This is clear in the Cabalah and in such mundane Jewish sources as Moses Hess. This is what I mean when I say, that "is what Jewry are up to and that is what they are about to accomplish if you let them." They have no faith that God will do these promised things for them, and do not doubt that they are God and must do these things for themselves. Do not expect to find logical consistency in Judaism, and please do not fault me for addressing and defining their self-contradictory beliefs.I close with a quotation from Martin Luther, who recognized the reality that the Jews are out to exterminate the Goyim (the scholars Johannes Buxtorf and Johann Andreas Eisenmenger, among many others, made similar statements). Luther wrote,
"Further, they presume to instruct God and prescribe the manner in which he is to redeem them. For the Jews, these very learned saints, look upon God as a poor cobbler equipped with only a left last for making shoes. This is to say that he is to kill and exterminate all of us Goyim through their Messiah, so that they can lay their hands on the land, the goods, and the government of the whole world. And now a storm breaks over us with curses, defamation, and derision that cannot be expressed with words. They wish that sword and war, distress and every misfortune may overtake us accursed Goyim. They vent their curses on us openly every Saturday in their synagogues and daily in their homes. They teach, urge, and train their children from infancy to remain the bitter, virulent, and wrathful enemies of the Christians."-- M. Luther, Von den Juden und ihren Luegen, Hans Lufft, Wittenberg, (1543); Reprinted, Ludendorffs, Muenchen, (1932); English translation by Martin H. Bertram, "On the Jews and Their Lies", Luther's Works, Volume 47, Fortress Press, Philadelphia, (1971), pp. 123-306, at 264.
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