Friday, November 7, 2008

Jews seek to blot out the name of the Creator; pressure Catholics to stop using the name "Yahweh"

In their eternal hatred of the Creator, the Jews have already made great efforts to destroy the relationship between "God" and His people -- eg, mistranslating the scriptures, infiltrating the churches and perverting doctrine, promoting atheism via knowingly false ideology such as the theory of evolution, etc. What's next? Could this be because "Yahweh" truly is the name of the Creator?
Catholics will no longer address God as ‘Yahweh’ Posted Aug 28, 2008 BY NANCU FRAZIER O'BRIEN & EMILY DONOHUE WASHINGTON – In the not-too-distant future, songs such as "You Are Near," "I Will Bless Yahweh" and "Rise, O Yahweh" will no longer be part of the Catholic worship experience in the United States. At the very least, the songs will be edited to remove the word "Yahweh" – a name of God that the Vatican has ruled must not "be used or pronounced" in songs and prayers during Catholic Masses. Father Ronald E. Brassard, the pastor of Immaculate Conception parish in Cranston, said the new directive is "a good thing. This directive is the Church showing great sensitivity to... our Jewish brothers and sisters." The Tetragrammaton is YHWH, the four consonants of the ancient Hebrew name for God. "Essentially the tradition in Scripture and especially with Jewish people is that the name of God is so sacred that it's never said, you never say Yahweh, it's offensive to the Jewish people," Father Brassard explained. He added that the change apparently is to go into effect immediately. [...]"

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