The Holocaust™ Hoax and the truth about WWII is of
CRUCIAL importance in maintaining a protective "shield" around world Jewry and their activities -- and thus the advancement of the World Jewish Agenda. The fairy tale, of course, is that the Nazis and the German people of that time were the "most evil monsters in the history of the world" who carried out the "most heinous crimes of all history" against the precious and sublimely innocent Jews.
The truth is the complete opposite. Organized Jewry were not the victims of WWII. They were the
perpetrators of it -- a war fomented to kill as many white Europeans as possible -- and especially designed to destroy the nation of Germany. Germany is the supreme victim of WWII. And the Jews can't stand it for anyone to so much as show a little bit of sympathy towards the German people for what happened in WWII, or acknowledge some small measure of the
ENORMOUS atrocities committed against the German nation. Doing so opens the door for people to look at WWII in a more balanced light, and once they go down that path, eventually the entire myth will be shattered.
http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1222017531662&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFullDresden victims and German manipulationOct 14, 2008At the beginning of October, a commission of experts concluded that in the Allied bombing of the German city of Dresden in February 1945 at most 25,000 people were killed. This figure is much lower than previous estimates of scholars, some of which reached 135,000 victims. Neo-Nazis claim that the number of victims was half a million to a million and speak about a "bombing Holocaust." The findings of the historic commission, which was appointed in 2004 by Dresden's mayor, have far greater importance than the significant issue of writing history correctly. They are also a weighty tool in the struggle against the multiple manipulations and distortions of the Holocaust, which is a growing phenomenon.Such developments in Germany merit particular attention. One of the most worrying aspects is the effort of sizable segments of the mainstream to portray Germans as major victims of World War II rather than as prime perpetrators of genocide. This revisionism is mainly done through a combination of four methods: decriminalization of Germans, blaming the Allies for Holocaust equivalence and Israelis for Holocaust inversion, while claiming that Jews speak too much about the Holocaust. [...]
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