Saturday, March 6, 2010

India is scared of American Defeat in Afghanistan: Hafiz Saeed

Chief of Jamat Ud Dawa Hafiz Muhammad Saeed has said that India is scared of American Defeat in Afghanistan. India knows what will happen with it after American Exit from the region and Manmohan visit to Saudi Arabia is also due to this scare. He was addressing in Markaz Al Qadsia in Khutba of Jumah Prayer. He said that things are changing rapidly due to sacrifices of Muslims all over the world.

Hafiz Saeed said that America and India are doing baseless propaganda against Islam and Muslims and they are trying to create Sectarian Violence between Muslims so we must be very alert about it. He also criticized the Government Polices towards America and India. He said that Pakistani Leaders are selling our brothers and sisters for Dollars to America. He also opposed the new Trade Agreements with Norway because its Newspaper where involve in Making Cartoons of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Recently Hafiz Saeed also given a Interview to a Pakistani TV Channel Express News but Indian Media Cote his Interview out of context that is old Habit to Indian Media to change the meaning of a News. Hafiz Saeed said in that Interview that if India stopped our Water we must do War with India while India media showed this statement as Hafiz Saeed says we must start a War with India.

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